Personal blog entries now here. Blogger Boobie-Thon moved here.
Want a new view? You're not stuck with this design -- skin the site!

And now...guest starring...
I needed my nerdboy mikey fix this week! Seems the hosers at his ISP pulled the plug for the month due to bandwidth usage. So when I wrote him to check and see where he'd gone, he wrote back with a "this is an entry I would post if I could" to feed my addiction. So now...with permission...I bring you Mike!

Ok, so I'm driving in to work today, and I hear a commercial on the radio for a career fair. Now, this is no ordinary career fair, as I was to soon find out. This is a Secret Service career fair. That's right, *the* Secret Service. Yanno, guard the President and shit. Does anyone else think that that's funny? I mean, when I hear "career fair", I think McDonald's, or AccounTemps, or something like that...not the Secret Service. C'mon, these guys are the some of the most dedicated men and women in the world... and they're looking for them at a damned career fair? I dunno, that just doesn't seem right...

In other news, I noticed that they're selling Cadbury Creme Eggs again. You know what that means... Cadbury Creme Egg commercials! I love those things....

"Bok meeeoooowwww... bok meeoooooowwww"
posted at 08:15 PM | link--it | mail it | (8) shout it

Ihhh've nevah been so hahhpy in my who' life-uh
(Quote credit: Long Duck Dong) We just got up after a long winter's nap to flip on The Screen Savers and watch a demo of the new Photoshop 7 for OS X. It was amazing -- we both kept screaming "GET OUT!" at the TV screen. I'm starting a countdown clock for that puppy. Thank goodness my husband has an "in" with the Adobe vendor at work! If you get Tech TV and missed the show tonight, you MUST catch it on rerun. I am sooooo happy I chose an iBook now!
posted at 07:46 PM | link--it | mail it | (3) shout it

So how was your day dear?
Today completed phase one (of two) of the hell that is my life.

I'm actually too sick and tired to bother typing up a recap all over again, so instead I will just paste in the one I sent to my mom... Is that ok with you? Good. But if boring medical reviews bring you down, here's your chance to run away! I don't do these often...but... Go. Now. You've been warned!

Today was my SSDI four-year review medical exam. This is where I have to prove my life is still the same chapter, different verse. You'll be happy to know your taxpayer dollars funded approximately $150 for the following visit -- when the last time my specialist's report completely overturned the state-appointed doctors' findings because those reports didn't give enough weight to my diagnoses and medical history. Yeah, color me happy to be doing this all over again. And I still have their stupid psych review to go next week...

That place was SO scary. It was a public "non-insurance" clinic -- cash only. We could not for the life of us figure out why Social Security picked THEM to do the review. Todd and I were literally thanking God I have strep so I'm already on anti-biotics. We were afraid to sit in the chairs it was that gross. I don't think the place has ever seen a cleaning solution. The ceiling tiles were half-hanging from their supports, with water damage all over them. One of the walls ran out of sheetrock -- so no joke -- they took 2-4" pieces of wood and nailed them up like tiled shingles and then painted white over them as a make-shift. This was NOT, I repeat, NOT for decorative purposes. I turned to Todd in the waiting room and whispered, "This is why I refuse to like NASCAR," with a wink. (Just kidding Christi!) I thought he was going to fall off his seat he was laughing so hard. We showed up for a 12 o'clock appointment at a "first-come-first-serve, go sit in a chair and wait 75 minutes, at not even remotely close to a doctor's" office...

The waiting room was full of people that obviously just did NOT care or even want to know the meaning of self-pride. The freaky Marlboro man from hell next to me had on so much cheap Wal Mart cologne I could barely breathe. We decided he was there for OG'ing. ("I'm Gonna Get You Sucka" reference.) He got up to fill out forms and I punched Todd and made him move down a chair so I could scoot further away, too, and try to catch some real breaths. There were two looked-like-teen moms with tiny babies that had bursting-dirty diapers (you could see it), and they were tag-team chain-smoking outside and didn't seem to care about the kids inside with baby food smeared on their faces. We didn't want to feel like snobs (and these were obviously blanket-quick-observations and not true judgment calls), but even at our poorest -- when we were literally selling CDs to eat and were living in roach-infested apartments -- we weren't like that. As Todd pointed out, you can at least get decent clothes at Goodwill if you try. And you can wash them for a quarter. They were all just dirty, smelly and gross. People that could help it, but didn't want to. And every single one of them was coughing, wheezing and sniffling god-knows-what into the air that I had to breathe. I was so relieved they didn't try to use any oral Q-tip swabs in my throat during the exam because I wouldn't have wanted anything in my mouth that had touched the counters or containers located there.

I feel like hell the visit went well from your mom perspective in that regard. They got to see "the real me". I'm running a fever (although they didn't check it), my throat is obviously red and swollen since I have strep (started anti-biotics yesterday), I feel like crap, look like crap and only slept 3 hours last night. Add to that...the fact the low was 31 here last night...which has left me pretty much crippled up and barely able to walk faster than a shuffle. He did all sorts of mobility tests like how high can you raise your legs/arms, how hard can you push back with force -- and I kid you not -- how long can you hop on one foot. The doctor literally had to support me during the standing and hopping tests -- and when he didn't, I was bracing on the table so I didn't tumble over. Todd said you could visibly watch my energy-tank hit empty. Then the doctor wanted me to go down the hall for an eye test, and he was down there a good 30-45 seconds before I made it down to join him. So if he finds me healthy, he can kiss my *bleep!*... Now, I need a nap. Like until May. Am I having fun yet?
posted at 04:52 PM | link--it | mail it | (12) shout it

Sex, drugs and rock 'n' roll
E! Online made a countdown of the Music's Top 10 Sexiest Moments. Hey look, Nikki -- George Michael's butt is at number 10! "Look at me's beau-teee-ful..." And apparently if you type in "Donna Summer" and "orgasm" into a reputable Internet search engine, you'll get up to 499 results. This line says it best about Madonna though: "A little song, a little dance, a little bowl of Cheetos resting on our pants."
posted at 05:07 AM | link--it | mail it | (3) shout it

Well hell...
Robbie is on the phone with Todd right now and he can't get a flight from Denver to Tampa tomorrow to come out for the weekend. (He's a pilot so he has to fly stand-by.) It's good because I have strep and don't exactly feel like being a party princess over the weekend, but it's bad because we haven't seen him in almost two years now. He's promising a March visit instead, and I'm holding him to it -- spring break at da' beach! The Florida forecast for tonight? A hard-freeze warning for our county overnight with temps in the low 30s. Ick. Keep that crap up north will ya' please?!
posted at 10:56 PM | link--it | mail it | (6) shout it

I guess we're naming our first child Chris
I have finally beat Wil Wheaton in something! Thanks Chris!
posted at 09:43 PM | link--it | mail it | (10) shout it

I'd like my sauce...on the side...
So I'm sure this has happened to just about everyone in their wild days of youth...big night out on the few too wake up not quite remembering where you are or where you've been...naked...and covered in an egg-mixture and flour. Ok, maybe not that last part. I've heard of going out and getting fried before, but never quite so literally. (Link thanks to Daypop.)
posted at 09:29 PM | link--it | mail it | (1) shout it

*high fives* Kristine!
If you haven't been by The Red Kitchen in the last hour or so, make sure to stop by again! In the "Tech TV" entry, Kristine has added several screen-captures I took of todays segment on Call For Help.

Oh yeah, side note...if you look really closely during the segment as it airs (catch it on repeat if you missed it later tonight and again tomorrow) you can see Zalary's name fly by in the comments for this post...
posted at 07:58 PM | link--it | mail it | (0) shout it

A shout-out to all my homies
Wow! So many nods to those I love online lately, I can barely keep up! First Kristine and I somehow managed to pull back-to-back duty making it on Call for Help and The Screen Savers yesterday (here's a new screen capture of my work)...along with Mena and Ben...and a screenshot of AnnElizabeth's blog.

Then today, I wake up to find that BlogOmania, Blah Blah Blog, Meryl's Notes, Cheyenne's World and yours truly have ALL been featured in today's Lockergnome Windows Daily!

And as if that wasn't enough, Kristine just e-mailed me to let me know The Red Kitchen is going to be on tonight's Call for Help! I'd already put her Screen Savers nod on tape in the mail -- but I'm all too excited to make her another one!

Could this week get any better? I've almost forgot that I'm coming down with strep and Robbie may not be able to get a stand-by flilght tomorrow... East siiiide! And a huge ol' welcome to all the Gnomies stopping by!
posted at 03:33 PM | link--it | mail it | (8) shout it

Another server move
Just a quick heads-up that we're in the process of moving a couple of our sites to a different webhost right now, so for the next few days please e-mail me at my "Wholly Matrimony!" account:
posted at 07:57 AM | link--it | mail it | (1) shout it

As we used to quip in college...better late than pregnant! It's still technically Tuesday in some parts of the U.S., so here is my "This or That".

  1. Dial-up or cable? DSL...but miss cable... Can't get it way up here in the 'burbs yet.
  2. Wal-mart or K-mart? Neither. Tarjhet, baby!
  3. Butterfly or dragonfly? Dragonfly!
  4. Plus or minus? Plus -- life always has more in the end.
  5. Liberal or conservative? Liberal to the core!
  6. Do you believe in God or not? Sure do!
  7. Sun or moon? Moon. I'm a late-night kinda gal.
  8. Do you exercise regularly or not? Used to. Can't now.
  9. Coffee or tea? Neither. Diet Coke, ginger ale, and Code Red.
  10. St. Patrick's Day or Easter? My maiden name was O'Rourke. 'Nuff said!

posted at 01:22 AM | link--it | mail it | (3) shout it

Bacon! I smell Bacon!
Jo's new webring idea got us talking about our degrees of Kevin Bacon. I'm proud to say, I can get there in just three degrees. Our friend Melinda from college is Billy Zane's ("The Phantom", "Titanic") cousin. "Billy Zane has a Bacon number of 2. Billy Zane was in Back to the Future Part II (1989) with Elisabeth Shue. Elisabeth Shue was in Hollow Man (2000) with Kevin Bacon." So how close can you get?
posted at 12:54 AM | link--it | mail it | (18) shout it

And to tie it all together...
Lookee! Chris made Ben and Mena bobbin'-head dolls!
posted at 12:15 AM | link--it | mail it | (2) shout it

Coupla' screen shots
In case you don't get Tech TV, here's a couple of screen shots of the big Movable Type feature tonight (capture 1, capture 2)!
posted at 08:32 PM | link--it | mail it | (2) shout it

More Tech TV than you can shake a stick at
In case you might have missed it at Christine's earlier today, Movable Type is about to be featured live on the Screen Savers. Quick! To the Bat Channel!

UPDATED TO SAY: They mentioned The Red Kitchen! Go Kristine!
posted at 07:41 PM | link--it | mail it | (2) shout it

I was on Tech TV!
Well yeah, they got the name wrong and said it was Todd's! Plpppp... But Cat just showed the photo from when I made Chris Pirillo an honorary blonde. So let the record show...the artwork is all mine...but nonetheless, it was on Call For Help tonight...
posted at 06:02 PM | link--it | mail it | (14) shout it

Heads up to everyone with Blogsnob code on their blogs. They've moved servers, and your Blogsnob code may now be spitting out a few lines telling you to update ASAP. Straight from the site: "I'll be removing Blogsnob completely from the old server in a few weeks, so hurry, people!!" Just a little FYI...
posted at 01:35 PM | link--it | mail it | (8) shout it

Weezer photos has a few photos up from Sunday night's show at the Ice Palace in Tampa. Wish I'd have known Rivers was sick this weekend, too. I would have offered to share my drugs with him, and maybe a little hot tub therapy as well. Tee hee.
posted at 01:43 AM | link--it | mail it | (0) shout it

Extended birthday greetings from the States
It's our favorite girl down under's birthday today! Well actually with the time difference, she's already had 'er cake and ate it, too -- but that doesn't mean we can't party on in her honor here in the States! Happy birthday Jo!

posted at 12:41 AM | link--it | mail it | (3) shout it

Six Degrees of Blogeration
Jo came up with a pretty nifty new webring idea -- the Six Degrees of Blogeration. The premise is simple, just like Bacon.

"The main rules can only join this ring if you have a blog and if you already know someone in the ring. By 'know someone' you either have to actually know them or be a regular reader of their blog."

I just signed both of our sites up -- so if you know us -- you're in! Get to it!
posted at 09:31 PM | link--it | mail it | (4) shout it

When Todd came in with the mail tonight he was all excited! Seems someone back in Norman loves us... We got a package filled to the top with so much cool stuff -- a ducky Easter basket (with a real rubber ducky next to it so you can see the size), one of the yummiest gel candles I've ever smelled in the scent "Angel", and two cool OU long-sleeved shirts. Thank you SO much Jana and Ben! We love it ALL!
posted at 08:26 PM | link--it | mail it | (1) shout it

Your sassy l'il blog design girl
So...hate your current webhost? Don't have one? *gasp* Need a new blog design? Covet your very own domain name? Want to run Movable Type like all the cool kids but have no idea how? Well you're in luck...because Christine has just launched BlogOmania! I'll be helping her out with design and installs along the way, so make sure to check it out. And if you lose this post on down the line, you can always get there via the new button in my sidebar, too!
posted at 05:56 PM | link--it | mail it | (5) shout it

Can I get an AMEN!
Todd has been taunting me with this news all day. Adobe is finally about to release Photoshop for OS X -- no longer will I have to run it under clunky "classic mode". Hallelujah! It doesn't hurt that he knows the Adobe vendor where he works, either...
posted at 05:26 PM | link--it | mail it | (1) shout it

Just breathe
And to think I've been doing it wrong all this time. I'm so embarassed with my knickers caught 'round my ankles like that...
posted at 02:38 PM | link--it | mail it | (3) shout it

Juicin' the

I don't wanna be an old man anymore
It's been a year or two since I was out on the floor
Shakin' booty, makin' sweet love all the night
It's time I got back to the good life

It's time I got back
It's time I got back
And I don't even know how I got off the track
I wanna go back, yeah!

UPDATE: Todd wrote up a review 'cuz I'm way too tired. Enjoy!
posted at 12:32 AM | link--it | mail it | (10) shout it

Hurts so good...
This will probably be my last post of the day since we're heading out later this afternoon for Weezer tonight... However, I had to take a minute to rave about a new product find. Last week we got a sample pack of ThermaCare Heat Wraps in the mail. We almost tossed them out because at first-glance it looked like a small pack of adult diapers.

But after having knock-you-to-your-knees cramps last night, I thought "what they hey" and busted open the pack to try one out. They are so cool! The large back ones (the kind included in the sample) hook around your waist with a small cotton velcro-closure belt about 3" wide. The "discs" inside heat up in about 15-20 minutes. Best of all, the one I'm wearing is still warm about 12 hours later! I would equal the "heat" it gives off with the medium setting on my heating pad. But since this one is secured on, it moves with you. You don't have to wake yourself up every time you want to move or roll over. They also make smaller adhesive pads for the shoulder/neck and arm/leg areas -- and another for 'feminine' cramps. These are great b/c they are flush with your body, fit easily under clothing -- and no cords like heating pads! And they last at least 12 hours. I am hooked! They're kinda pricey (about $7 for a box of 2) -- but if you hurt like I do, and need "take it with you" convenience (road trips, etc.) -- the price will be well worth it. If you're interested and want a free sample, you can fill out the survey here and get mailed a pack. I rarely do product reviews in my blog, so the fact I'm raving about these so much will hopefully speak volumes!
posted at 01:59 PM | link--it | mail it | (4) shout it

Whew, that was fun...
Well somehow overnight somethin' funky went on with MT, and Christine woke up to find my blog blank this morning. She already had it well on the road to recovery before I even rolled out of bed this morning. Does she ROCK or what? I'm in the process of adding the comments that were lost back in right now -- and links to old posts and the search feature may not work 'til tomorrow. So hang in there. Operators are standing by. Thanks again Christine!
posted at 01:11 PM | link--it | mail it | (3) shout it

Metal mouth
Tom Cruise is now wearing braces. And on a somewhat unrelated note, he's not gay. I repeat, he is not gay. Back to your regularly scheduled programming...
posted at 02:03 AM | link--it | mail it | (6) shout it

It's not easy being green
Todd wanted a new look last night, so I gave him a spin on the Spiderman theme. You can still find the green version in his archives though.
posted at 01:22 AM | link--it | mail it | (3) shout it

Bring it on!
Todd just let me in on the next t-shirt I must figure out how to acquire for my massive sports-related collection:

It will be mine. Oh yes. It will be mine...
posted at 11:04 PM | link--it | mail it | (5) shout it

Boomer Sooner
It's 9:22 p.m. EST and texas still sucks! Boomer Sooner -- beat the helloutta texas! (Live on an ESPN station near you...)

UPDATE: OU WINS by a score of 96-78 -- making us 7-0 in our last 7 meetings with the 'whorns, and 22-4 on the season!
posted at 09:22 PM | link--it | mail it | (7) shout it

Here's to good friends, tonight is kinda special
Well that's what I get for feeling sorry for myself! I was just on the phone with Christine whining about a SSDI-review-mandated medical exam coming up on the 28th (that they gave me less than a week's notice for). I've been feeling like pink-streaked death the last few weeks anyway, and know the concert tomorrow is pretty much going to level my arse for a few days afterwards. So being nice and cordial to a reviewer that doesn't care a thing about me but holds my fate in their hands wasn't exactly in the recovery plan.

But! My best friend from college just e-mailed and said he wants to fly in the same day as my review. We haven't seen him in a couple of years now. I'm so excited! And since he used to do tag-team ER duty with Todd back in Norman, he knows my limits. Finally -- a week we can look forward to instead of dread. Bring on Weezer!
posted at 06:57 PM | link--it | mail it | (4) shout it

Say hello to iMac
These Pixar commercials for the iMac are courtesy of Meryland. The animation is so cute -- I want a new iMac now, tooooo!
posted at 04:39 PM | link--it | mail it | (2) shout it

Every breath you take
Poor Todd is out at the grocery store getting dinner and wasn't home to see that Megan Morrone has a blog now. I may never see him again on evenings and weekends!
posted at 07:30 PM | link--it | mail it | (10) shout it

Truth or Dare
I just got sent the following as "Wholly Matrimony!" owner. Not sure if it's legit, but the contact info looks on the up-and-up so I thought I'd pass it along. Let me know if you're interested and/or want the phone number. Sounds rather cheezy, but if I lived in southern Cal I might be able to lower myself for $50K.

"I am a Talent Producer working on a new NBC primetime project called 'Truth or Dare'. Looking for COUPLES in the Southern California area that have been dating for more than a year OR married for less than 2 years.

The Truths are basically personal, politically incorrect and confrontational in nature and the Dares are in line with 'Fear Factor'...but only those done in a studio and not as gross or as scary.

We are paying pretty well for the pilot ($500 per couple and $1000 to the winning team, plus extra cash for each Dare) and of course a guarantee to be on the series, which will give away $50,000 to the winning couple."
posted at 04:29 PM | link--it | mail it | (5) shout it

Lying on the floor, I've come undone
I just added a new sweater girl skin to the site since the =w=eezer concert is this weekend. Go ahead and knock yourself out!
posted at 04:13 PM | link--it | mail it | (6) shout it

So ghetto!
Need to buy a child's toy quick and have no idea where to start? How about buying a Ghetto Kids Doll? Gone are the days of the Cabbage Patch. Biographies on these boxes have included parents who were drug addicts, parents who abandoned their kid and parents that even sold their children. Little girls can choose between dolls such as San Juan Carmen, Confederate Tammy and East L.A. Lupe. "Creators hope information on their website, including a cartoon series, will spur parents to talk to kids about such topics as smoking, guns and teen-age pregnancy," according to

"So how was your playdate today Sally? Sit down for a second. Mommy wants to talk to you about teenage crackheads who get knocked up and sell their daughters for guns and cigarettes because they weren't good little girls..." Oooh boy. They really just write themselves sometimes, don't they?
posted at 08:08 AM | link--it | mail it | (4) shout it

Fire up that Google indexing
This is a drinking game we used to play all of the time in college -- "what's the best porn title you can spin off an actual move title?" Well if you're just not feeling up to the challenge, now you don't have to put your thinking cap on -- this site has a list of them for you. Personal faves off the 'A' list? "Ass Ventura II - Pet the Detective", "A Rear and Pleasant Danger" and "Ass a Blanca". But c'mon -- you can all do better than that! I have faith in you. (Link snagged from Daypop again.)
posted at 02:07 AM | link--it | mail it | (0) shout it

My inner-bride
Did anyone happen to catch the costume worn by Canadian ladies figure skater Jennifer Robinson? I'll post a pic when I find it online, but it reminded me a lot of my wedding gown. Two thumbs up! Too bad she fell on her arse...
posted at 10:25 PM | link--it | mail it | (9) shout it

It's Miller time!
Proving once again he's the ski god I believe him to be, Bode Miller came back from seventh place after his first run to capture the silver today in the men's giant slalom. He's the first U.S. male athlete to ever medal in this event. Ahhhh, who in the hell am I kidding? I just want an excuse to put his adorible smiling face up in my blog so I can look at it wistfully and sigh!

[Miller time!]

posted at 09:56 PM | link--it | mail it | (3) shout it

Jell-O Shots
So if you thought all those promises of Blah Blah Blog vs. Ain't too proud to blog in a pit of lime Jell-O were just a bunch of hooey, I suggest you drop on by D's place today! I'm always a woman of my word...
posted at 02:37 PM | link--it | mail it | (5) shout it

And in other news...
Microsoft music, movie player collects log of users’ entertainment:

"Microsoft’s new version of its popular Media Player software is logging the songs and movies that customers play. The company said Wednesday it was changing its privacy statement to notify customers about the technology after inquiries from The Associated Press. The system creates a list on each computer that could be a treasure for marketing companies, lawyers or others. Microsoft says it has no plans to sell the data collected by Media Player 8, which comes free with the Windows XP operating system."

If you’re watching DVDs you don’t want your wife to know about, you might not want to give her your password,” said David Caulton, Microsoft’s lead program manager for Windows Media.

So let that be a lesson to ya'!
posted at 08:02 AM | link--it | mail it | (3) shout it

Say it ain't so
Another one bites the dust... "Popular online search engine maker Google Inc. is introducing a new program that allows Web sites to be displayed more prominently by paying more money - an advertising-driven system derided by critics as an invitation to deceptive business practices."

I guess when it comes right down to it, they need to make money just like everyone else, but one of the main reasons I switched to Google over Yahoo! was the absense of "in your face" and "pay by category" advertising. Sigh. (AP Link snagged from Daypop.)
posted at 07:40 AM | link--it | mail it | (2) shout it

Pigs in spaaaaace
Well it looks like Boyz 2 Blogs had better hurry up and set up a PayPal account if they want to beat 'NSYNC in the space race! "Teen idol Lance Bass, a singer for pop group 'NSYNC, is in talks with Russian officials for a trip to outer space that would open a new frontier for popular entertainment and send him where no other boy band has gone before...The $25 million deal would include the right to film the 22-year-old teen idol in space for a television special, possibly including Bass singing, and would be partly funded from advertising deals with big brand sponsors based on planet earth." Ain't no lie. Bye bye bye.
posted at 07:23 AM | link--it | mail it | (3) shout it

If a tree falls in the woods...
Todd has penned a most amusing tale of his adventures in the wild today. I helped him out with a small photo essay. In the end, we ended up disposing of not one -- but three -- tall pines threatening our house and fence. Oooh boy, we're tired!
posted at 09:29 PM | link--it | mail it | (0) shout it

And they call it puppy love
My husband seems to have his very own fanclub now. Thanks for the "laugh so hard it hurts" site, Christine!
posted at 04:21 PM | link--it | mail it | (6) shout it

I just figured out a way to get rid of annoying door-to-door sales people that don't pay attention to the "No Solicitors" vibe... Simply point through the sliding glass door out back to the tree laying over the fence and say, "I'm a little busy right now. Wanna help?" To which they bolt like lightning and leave you be. Maybe I'll just have Todd leave it there... Tee hee!

I'm still riding the high of them asking for my mom when I answered the door though. When I pointed out I was "the lady of the house" they were asking for, one went "Whoa!", and the other went "Girl you look all of 15!" It's the little things.
posted at 02:43 PM | link--it | mail it | (6) shout it

Well ok then...
So I'm sitting in the computer room uploading files, and hear this big "crash-boom!" sound. I go into the living room to watch an, oh say, 15-20 foot tall dead pine tree fall right over our fence from the conservation area out back. The miracle of it is, it didn't take the fence down -- it's resting right on top of it. And it missed the fish pond and house by inches. I now have another dead tree to deal with in the yard. (Todd just finished bagging up one he'd cut down from our yard over the weekend.) He will be so pleased. And it's way to heavy for me to move, so with him in class, there I guess it stays for now. I'll upload pics here in a few...

Update: here you go...Todd's next big project... (photo 1, photo 2)
posted at 01:25 PM | link--it | mail it | (5) shout it

Virtual curling
Hmmmm...does that title fall under the "things that sound dirty but aren't" category? Look what I found from "The Screen Savers" for you hoopty -- Virtual Curling. Now you can curl away in the privacy of your own home!
posted at 12:40 PM | link--it | mail it | (5) shout it

Boyz 2 Blogs in trouble?
Here are three posts, in order, to start (or end) your day with a smile -- all depending on if you're late to bed, or early to rise: number one, number two, number three

And if you have no idea what "Boyz 2 Blogs" even is, visit the official press-release parody that started it all!

If Britney thinks I'm goin' down without a fight -- well then she's been inhaling just a wee too much hairspray!
posted at 01:00 AM | link--it | mail it | (11) shout it

Boomer Sooner!
It's 9:19 p.m. EST and texas still sucks! Boomer Sooner -- beat the helloutta texas! (Live on an ESPN station near you...)
posted at 09:20 PM | link--it | mail it | (0) shout it

Won't you be my neighbor?
Well here ya' go...18 new photos from our walk around the neighborhood today!
posted at 08:31 PM | link--it | mail it | (9) shout it

Where the Smurfs live
Todd snuck out of work early this afternoon. It's another glorious day of Florida weather outside, and I was feeling better than I have in days, so we took a small walk with Claire. (More photos to follow soon...) But this series of photos warranted their own blog entry. I'm happy to report, it appears we've found the owners of this car, and they live just down the road from us... Check out this mailbox (photo 1, photo 2, photo 3)! It even has its own swimming pool!
posted at 06:49 PM | link--it | mail it | (12) shout it

This or That Tuesday
Since the calendar says Tuesday, it's time for Ashley's "This or That"!

  1. January or July? Definitely July! Outdoor picnics, beach outings, fireworks, summer lovin'...
  2. Email or letters? E-mail for daily communication, but anyone that knows me well knows the answer to this one! I love nice stationary, embossing my envelopes, and pen correspondence. Thank you's just seem to mean so much more if they're handwritten and you can hold them in your hand.
  3. Milk or orange juice? Orange juice. I hate white milk -- always have! On occasion I will crave chocolate milk, but very rarely.
  4. Brunette or blond? Blonde! Although I've always thought it was up for debate as to whether or not we have more fun.
  5. Digital or film camera? Both. Finally!
  6. Camping or hotel? Hotel! My Gma raised me from an early age to believe that "roughing it" involved staying at Motel 6 and only getting 2 of their skimpy towels. She's right, IMHO!
  7. Pencil or pen? Pen -- script looks so much better in ink.
  8. Rollerblading or roller skating? I never have rollerbladed, but when I was a kid I had my own designer white leather skates with hot pink pom-pons!
  9. Fly or drive? I love to drive and miss it terribly! Before we got engaged, I would take off on cross-country trips by myself often. Nothing like feelin' free on the highway at 75 mph! And quite franklly, after 9-11 I'm still too afraid to fly.
  10. White or black? In clothing? Black. It's fun to get down 'n' dirty. White forces you to be all prim and proper.

posted at 04:04 PM | link--it | mail it | (0) shout it

Weenie Babies? (Both links thanks to /usr/bin/mike)
posted at 03:07 PM | link--it | mail it | (12) shout it

Nothing beats a great pair of L’eggs!
This article is almost beyond believable! Apparently men are now discovering the 'benefits' of pantyhose and are buying pairs for themselves. I'm trying hard not to bust out laughing. Medical reasons and circulatory problems I can see -- but to keep warm? Ever heard of thermals? Do these idiots not yet realize what sort of medieval torture device pantyhose really are? Maybe it's not as bad for them since they're not wearing a skirt and don't have to worry about runs at every turn -- but even when I was 'the perfect size six', I still had to do the wiggle and wriggle routine all women know too well in order to stuff my ass inside of a control-topped pair. And hose in the summer? Whole new level o' fun. Yeah, you just can't beat that sweaty crotch feeling -- no siree!

And now "G. Lieberman & Sons has restructured itself into a manufacturer and online purveyor of pantyhose made exclusively for men, called Comfilon." It got wierd, didn't it? I hope as long as they're wearing them they'll stay out of a skirt. Because unless they plan on shaving their legs, too, ick! I'll still be staying inside, thankyouverymuch.
posted at 02:48 PM | link--it | mail it | (15) shout it

You've got the cutest little baby face
Erika did such a GREAT job with the "guess the baby face" game! Todd's photo shouldn't be too hard to figure out, but can you pick out which one is me?
posted at 01:41 PM | link--it | mail it | (10) shout it

Happy birthday dear Tara, happy birthday to yoooou!
Happy birthday Tara!

[ Happy Birthday Tara! ]

posted at 12:06 AM | link--it | mail it | (2) shout it

I'm blind! Look away!
Ok, this is seriously the most disturbing (yet at the same time hillarious) thing I've seen on Daypop yet...I give to you...W. Girls!
posted at 11:08 PM | link--it | mail it | (10) shout it

A sphincter says what?
Have you ever sat there watching a movie and something didn't look quite right? Or something didn't sound quite right? Or perhaps you wondered how in the heck that scene made it past the editors? Well now you have a site to compare notes with -- Movie Mistakes. We play the home game all the time, so now I guess we have another window to launch side-by-side with when we toss a movie in the ol' DVD player. (Link thanks to The Screen Savers.)
posted at 10:29 PM | link--it | mail it | (2) shout it

More pimpin' and stealin'
Time for the "Call for Help" link of the day: the EVRSOFT HTML Editor, freeware. "A professional HTML editing software which lets you create great websites fast! The visually appealing program comes bundled with over 450+ Javascripts and supports all the latest web languages."
posted at 05:54 PM | link--it | mail it | (7) shout it

A whole new meaning to 'to have and to hold'
Because nothing else quite says "this will last forever" like exchanging your vows in a mass wedding in the nude...
posted at 03:22 PM | link--it | mail it | (7) shout it

Our local CBS Station is reporting that the Tampa Bay Bucs have just hired Chucky -- Jon Gruden -- as our next head coach! It's a 5-year deal and a press conference is expected this Wednesday. Hallelujah -- all those voodoo dolls did the trick. Now the moral dilemna I more in love with Chucky or John Lynch... Such a tough call!
posted at 01:56 PM | link--it | mail it | (2) shout it

Opera Composed for Mac OS X
I have been really unhappy with IE 5.1 on my Mac, so this was much-welcomed news! "The newest OS X-native beta version of the Opera browser launches faster than any other browser currently available for OS X and renders pages more quickly...Opera did not sacrifice functionality for speed."
posted at 07:21 AM | link--it | mail it | (9) shout it

In the blink of a young girl's eye
Erika came up with a really cool twist on a meme this past Friday! She's collecting everyone's kindergarten pics, plus recent pics. Then we can play a game trying to match them all up. Stop by and submit one if you haven't already. We just sent ours in!
posted at 09:23 PM | link--it | mail it | (1) shout it

All work and no play
Makes Robyn something, something, something... Today was a textbook example of what happens when you prioritize your "play" projects (i.e. blogs) over your "priority" projects (i.e. websites that bring me $$) for weeks on end. I am seriously about to go blind having stared at the monitor for so long, but I've got a lot accomplished in the last 10 hours.

I got Joy's entire blog moved to a new server (as noted below). I got all of our online billing accounts switched over to new payment plans (don't even get either of us started on the AmSouth banking rant). I finally called our credit card company to make stop billing us, and amazingly enough, did respond to that e-mail (literally within minutes as opposed to the weeks I have been trying to contact them), and close down the account once and for all. I finished the server-switch of, moving the 2001 Dress Contest to its final home. Then I had to update all those new links on (whew, still with me?) -- and after that I updated the submission form for the "Fifteen Minutes of Fame" to match the new logo. I...need...a...drink... Hope everyone else's day was a little more sane. Procrastination = very bad thing!
posted at 10:32 PM | link--it | mail it | (7) shout it

The ol' switcharoo
Just wanted to let those who read/link Joy's blog in on the new address change. The old account is no longer active, so please update your links ASAP!
posted at 04:34 PM | link--it | mail it | (1) shout it

Another day of romance
I just put the February 2002 "Fifteen Minutes of Fame" wedding up online if you are so inclined...
posted at 09:33 PM | link--it | mail it | (3) shout it

Digital Image Recovery
Apologies to Meryl if she linked this yesterday (tee hee): Call for Help had another great link today. Did you accidentally erase an image off your digital camera and decide you want it back? This freeware called Digital Image Recovery can help you get it!

From Lockergnome: "If you have this radical recovery tool, that picture may not be lost after all. Ya see, sometimes you may willingly delete pictures, format your media, or something may have zapped your snapshots into oblivion. This program will recover image, video, and audio files with a JPEG, TIFF, PNG, GIF, BMP, AVI, MOV, or WAV extension. 'No matter if you pulled out the media during a write process, the program reconstructs the corresponding data automatically.'"
posted at 05:12 PM | link--it | mail it | (1) shout it

Beauty school drop-out
It's time for the annual InStyle list of "Best Beauty Buys". For the first time you can see and buy the products online -- and you can also enter their new sweepstakes to win some of them. Go. Now.
posted at 02:16 PM | link--it | mail it | (1) shout it

The Coochie Snorcher That Could
Excuse me whilst I snort-laugh after reading that catchy title on at this early hour... What in the heck am I talking about? It appears HBO is now airing the ‘Vagina Monologues’. We missed it last night apparently, but knowing HBO they will replay it soon, so I can finally see just what the hubbub is all about. Although even the article states, "There’s no question that the ‘Vagina Monologues’ works better onstage than on television."
posted at 07:35 AM | link--it | mail it | (13) shout it

Take my hand...take my whole life too...
Ever wonder what an Elvis wedding in Vegas looks like? Well we just happened to catch one tonight. Enjoy!
posted at 01:43 AM | link--it | mail it | (3) shout it

Viva Las Vegas
This will be my last Valentine's Day post, as I'm about to snuggle up with that someone special for the evening... But if you're sitting around bored and want a good laugh, you can play "spot the Elvises" (or is it Elvii) at these live Vegas weddings, brought to you by the Travel Channel and the Viva Las Vegas Wedding Chapel. The cam shots will auto-update fairly quickly, so you can just sit back and let the good times roll... And if you're bored, toss a little rice in the air for good measure.
posted at 09:17 PM | link--it | mail it | (3) shout it

Teddy bear bombs?
Oh for the love of all that is holy, will someone please call wolf on them already and end this government-sparked paranoia crap?
posted at 08:03 PM | link--it | mail it | (1) shout it

SlashDock 2.0 for OS-X
Just released on the 11th, SlashDock 2.0: "SlashDock is a simple Mac OS-X Application that fetches and updates headlines for the lastest postings on slashdot-compatible sites and RSS-compatible sites (aka RDF) like Updates are obtained automatically, if new articles are available, the dock icon will flash with an image representing the article 'topic'. Selecting an article from the dock menu will take you directly to that article in your preferred web browser." For more info, and to download, visit the Apple download site.
posted at 07:47 PM | link--it | mail it | (0) shout it

Sunny days sweepin' the clouds away
If you're feeling kinda blah because no one gave you flowers today, here are a few from me, just snapped out in the yard. Consider yourself loved!
posted at 05:54 PM | link--it | mail it | (6) shout it

Love your geek?
Let them know with geek e-cards! Besides "I love you" -- other card-topics include congrats on your new PC or Apple -- R.I.P. to your old computer -- get well -- and more! And if that isn't enough, they also have "geek-mate date" cards.
posted at 01:50 PM | link--it | mail it | (3) shout it

My Cupid has a first's T.O.D.D.
The older we get, and the longer we've been married, the less big of a deal we make out of Valentine's Day. You won't see 3 dozen roses or the monster-Godiva ballotin around here. No stuffed animals that will collect dust starting tomorrow. Forget the 3-hour line at Olive Garden later tonight. And I don't play the 'my husband loves me more than yours because he bought me "X" game' either. We're actually saving all of our money -- and all of my energy -- for Weezer on the 24th.

However, that's not to say we've fallen out of love or the romance is dead. Because you should have heard me squealing awhile back as I woke up and discovered these carefully tucked everywhere I looked (or would look) this morning -- on my Diet Coke bottle, on all of my keyboards and monitors, on the TV, etc. That is the best part of marriage! BE MINE, Todd -- thank you! xoxoxo
posted at 01:09 PM | link--it | mail it | (22) shout it

Happy Hallmark-and-FTD-Generated Day!
Just wanted to wish everyone a very Happy Valentine's Day! Click the "read more" link for the barenaked lady.

[Happy Valentines Day]

posted at 02:46 AM | link--it | mail it | (15) shout it

Is this your CD collection?
Another interesting link snagged off Daypop... Todd and I are musical snobs. We'll be the first to admit it. Top 40 makes us break out in a rash and always has. We'd rather do Olympic pairs skating butt naked then be forced to listen to any song by Creed. Yes, I said any song by Creed. Although we don't usually listen to the same exact music -- thankfully I like what he likes, and vice-versa. Occasionally we'll trade new finds and both get hooked. And occasionally we'll revisit old loves and both get hooked. That said, this article really cracked me up!

"You like to think that you are cool. And, hey, let's not be snobbish - maybe you are. You wouldn't have any rubbish like Sting or Dire Straits in your CD collection. Enya? Clannad? That's all for old farts, right? And you know that you are culturally aware...But music is a bit of a problem. Are you as hip as you were, or at least as hip as you used to like to think you were? Not really...

You're middle class, in your thirties or thereabouts, and, even though you don't like music as much as you used to, you still want to be part of the scene, even if that only amounts to having some CDs that won't disgrace you when friends leaf through your collection.

Here's how to find out if you are part of the Dido demographic. If you have 12 of the following albums among your CDs, you're a Dido. If you have any more than that, seek help. We're not sure from whom, but seek it anyway.

Want to know our score?

  1. Dummy by Portishead: I have just been informed Todd is guilty as charged.
  2. The Joshua Tree by U2: On cassette tape somewhere under one of the beds...
  3. Jollification by the Lightning Seeds: Not sure, but probably a #2.
  4. Play by Moby: Todd broke down and bought this at the Virgin store at Disney World after it drove him insane one weekend.
  5. Is This it by The Strokes: I have most of this downloaded in MP3 format. Sue me. "Last Night" is one of the best fucking songs I've heard since leaving college in 1995!
  6. Jagged Little Pill by Alanis Morrisette: Even Dave Coulier not withstanding, yes we own it.
  7. Graceland by Paul Simon: I'm pretty sure Todd has this on cassette somewhere. I claim no responsibility. I think I was the only one in the entire Honors Dorm during college that fled the premises screaming when someone put it on.
  8. The Marshall Mathers LP by Eminem: I had this one burned before it even hit the shelves!
So that gives us a grand total of 8 out of 25 -- 4 under the "Dido" label. Phew. We're still hip and cool like dat. Go here to see how you score!
posted at 11:02 PM | link--it | mail it | (11) shout it


[Mmmm candy]

Look at the random act of kindness/surprise that Erika sent today! Isn't she the bestest? Thank you!
posted at 10:04 PM | link--it | mail it | (0) shout it

Meanwhile back in Salt Lake
YES! Olympic spoiler to follow. Look away if you're one of those people that like to watch the events and find out who won in replay, and not as they actually happen.

My favorite Olympic hottie, Bode Miller, won silver today in combined skiing, coming back from fifteenth place! It breaks an eight-year Olympic medal drought by U.S. men skiers -- so make sure to tune in tonight. And, "Miller remains a favorite in the slalom and a medal hopeful in the giant slalom next week." Oh how that smile could hurt me and make me write bad checks...
posted at 06:39 PM | link--it | mail it | (3) shout it

Where's your cash at?
Another too cool link from today's "Call For Help": Ever wonder just exactly where that money in your pocket has been? Try entering the serial number at Where's George, and you just might find out!
posted at 05:08 PM | link--it | mail it | (5) shout it

Three magic little words
This brilliant little gem was snagged from Daypop:

"Whenever a phone solicitor calls in the middle of dinner, don't get sore. Don't slam down the receiver. Don't hang up. Just say, 'Hold on, please.' Then gently set the receiver on the table and go about your business. Why will this change the world? Because the solicitor will hold on, too. While the solicitor is on hold, he cannot bug other people in the middle of dinner, can he? No, he can't.

Phone solicitors make money because one or two saps in every 100 calls actually listen to the sales pitch and buy something. But what if each unsuccessful call took the solicitor a few minutes instead of a few seconds? What if a phone solicitor could make only a dozen calls per hour, instead of several hundred? Then it would no longer be cost-effective to bother people in the middle of dinner, would it? No, it wouldn't.

So if you can't move to Vermont, try the three magic little words instead!
posted at 03:44 PM | link--it | mail it | (8) shout it

Here she is...your ideal...
Let's all take a moment of silence for this year's Miss America...who seems to have become disenchanted with the pretty crown. Heartbreaking, isn't it? Poor dear. Once you've mastered the "screw in the lightbulb" wave, there's really nowhere left to go but down the spiral.
posted at 02:35 PM | link--it | mail it | (10) shout it

I'd like to thank the Academy
Here's one of my favorite Google hits to date: I am #1 for graphic photos that will make you wanna puke. I guess it could be argued that photos of me shortly after waking up would fit the bill...
posted at 01:40 PM | link--it | mail it | (4) shout it

And now for something completely different
I think it's already been established that I watch way too much TV. (Well not really "watch", but it's always on for background noise.) Now, if you will, imagine Beavis and Butthead sitting next to me here on the couch watching the commercial for this local business. Add in their slogan "it's so easy", and well, there you go.
posted at 01:34 PM | link--it | mail it | (4) shout it

Me thinks more sex is in order
This is just sad. Not to get all Freudian on you, but obviously I must not be fulfilling him somehow.

posted at 09:57 PM | link--it | mail it | (6) shout it

Go on Canadian, beat it! "The International Skating Union announced Tuesday that it will conduct an 'internal assessment' into a controversial judging decision at the finals of the Olympic pairs figure skating competition Monday night, where the coveted gold medal went to a Russian pair who stumbled, rather than to a Canadian couple who didn't. Four of the judges who voted for the Russians are from former Soviet or communist countries; the four who voted for the Canadians are from countries in the Western bloc."
posted at 06:51 PM | link--it | mail it | (13) shout it

And sometimes "y"
Hooray for cute, smart Robyns that spell their name right -- I collect them like fine wine! Just saw another one on today's "Call For Help". Robyn Heuseveldt demonstrated an easier way to netcam.
posted at 05:32 PM | link--it | mail it | (1) shout it

Like sands through the hourglass
So it is "This or That Tuesday".

  1. Picnic on the beach or picnic in a park? On the beach! Although I rarely get to go anymore since my husband blisters and burns.
  2. Atlantic ocean or Pacific? I've never seen the Pacific, so by default my answer is Atlantic. The Gulf trumps them both though!
  3. Museum or the ballet? I haven't seen a ballet since college, but I love to go.
  4. Lots of pillows on the bed, or just a few? Lots for decor, just a few for sleeping.
  5. Home body or not? Didn't use to be, but not much choice on being a home body right now.
  6. Introverted or extroverted? Introverted by force, extroverted by choice.
  7. Sunrise or sunset? Sunrise only if I'm getting ready to go to bed... The Florida sunsets are truly a thing of beauty though -- postcard perfect!
  8. Do you prefer ceiling fans or light fixtures? Light fixtures. I'm always cold!
  9. Lions or tigers or bears? Oh my! Tigers I guess...
  10. The Beatles or The Monkees? The Beatles! Although I did have a Monkees phase in junior high when I thought Davey Jones was just dreamy. And an amusing of my former clients (when I worked in Philadelphia) had actually been arrested for stalking him and showing up in his house, repeatedly, unnannounced... I kid you not!

posted at 02:57 PM | link--it | mail it | (2) shout it

More on the devil's browser
"CNET presents 5 [Internet Explorer 6.0] browsing horror stories and their solutions". I've added a new graphic over in the sidebar linking to an explanation of the problem - and solution - regarding my last set of issues with the new IE browser.
posted at 02:14 PM | link--it | mail it | (1) shout it

For that very special someone
Never let it be said I'm not a woman of my word!
posted at 01:42 PM | link--it | mail it | (4) shout it

laissez les bon temps rouléz
It's Fat Tuesday! Make sure to check out the Mardi Gras and Bourbon Street cams live at No beads required. Clothing sometimes optional.
posted at 12:16 AM | link--it | mail it | (6) shout it

Girls on film
Todd's love Megan listed the "Top Five Women in Tech History" on tonight's Screen Savers. Time to brush up on your studies!
posted at 11:13 PM | link--it | mail it | (5) shout it

What do you want to do with your life?
Time for yet another episode of "no, I am not kidding": MSNBC has hired former Twisted Sister front-man and wannabe-drag queen Dee Snider as the network's official voiceover guy. Apparently he's been doing promo-spots for the network since November. In related news, so as to not to be outdone, Fox News has initiated talks to see if they can score that dude from Ratt.
posted at 09:39 PM | link--it | mail it | (4) shout it

He's got radioactive blood
In the "why don't you tell us what you did today, Robyn" category...well, why don't you just go and see for yourself!
posted at 06:49 PM | link--it | mail it | (9) shout it

Kicked in da' butt by love
With V-Day fast approaching, here's a Gallery of Unfortunate Valentine's Day Cards. Because who wrote the "book of love"? Velvet did.
posted at 01:24 PM | link--it | mail it | (9) shout it

The cult of Robyn
What happens when I can't sleep at night? I go and find other cool Robyn bloggers. I am seriously digging this design! And she spells her name right -- always a bonus.
posted at 02:39 AM | link--it | mail it | (3) shout it

Turning tricks
Here's a cool site nod from Chris Pirillo in an old thread of mine that I didn't want to lose... Did you like the cool trick mentioned here? You can get tons more of them at! One of my favorites is on this page of the site. Rather than wading through an entire page's code looking for an e-mail link to contact the page author -- let it find it for you. Thanks Chris -- I'm going to have fun playing around there!
posted at 01:28 AM | link--it | mail it | (0) shout it

Paging Mr. I.P. Freely
With some help from this thread, Todd was able to help suck Jennifer's husband Sam into blogging. Check it out!
posted at 10:47 PM | link--it | mail it | (1) shout it

My funny Valentine
Sap alert! I groomed Claire for Valentine's today, and of course had to share a few "brag photos" (photo 1, photo 2, photo 3)...
posted at 09:06 PM | link--it | mail it | (9) shout it

You say tomato...
If the new Pizza Hut "Pizzone" commercials are making you hungry, check out my very first recipe at the red kitchen!
posted at 04:48 PM | link--it | mail it | (7) shout it

Some things are just more important
I realize that you pretty much love the Olympics or you're indifferent. There's just not all that much middle ground. But NBC is making it very hard for the "indifferent" folks out there to even have a chance of getting sucked in. Two days in a row now we've stumbled into the living room, flipped on NBC, and were met with nothing Olympic-like. Yesterday it was auto-racing. Today it's the NBA All-Stars. I'm pretty darned sure competition is going on right now -- but instead of focusing on amateur athletes that get their moment in the sun every 4 years, instead let's focus on over-paid middle-aged men with commercial shoe-deals.

Forget MSNBC and CNBC helping out either. It was impossible to understand the Syndney-brand of Olympics we got here in the States -- carefully edited to show only what they wanted us to see. But HELLO?! The Olympics are now on OUR SOIL and we can't even see them! And "middle of the night" recaps aren't of events overlooked in prime-time. It's an exact repeat of earlier programming! Remember the good old days when not only did you have continuous coverage on ABC -- you also had the option of buying the gold, silver and bronze channels on pay-per-view for "lesser" sports. People complained then. I'd give just about anything for that option now! I'm so thrilled NBC has bought the Olympics through 2012. I hope there's no way in hell they ever get them again once the expiration date arrives...
posted at 01:52 PM | link--it | mail it | (2) shout it

And you can speak your mind but not on my time
You know, I've sat here for the last couple of days watching two bloggers I've really come to respect (and enjoy) getting flamed to high heaven for stupid, petty things. Things the majority of their visitors have found frickin' hysterical. And quite frankly, I'm sick of it. I guess I should count myself pretty lucky that I haven't suffered the same fate here at my own blog...yet. I'm strong-willed. I have a short-temper. I'm liberal. I can be bitchy. I'm opinionated. My brand of humor may not not be your bag o' tea. That's fine. I would just politely tell you what I tell most of the people that surf on into my anti-P. Diddy site -- your browser has a back button for a reason. Don't be afraid to use it.

Because I guarantee you, if you came into my house and spouted off some of the things I've read in this couple's comments, I would not-so-politely show you the door. If you don't like the show that's on our TV, if you don't want to watch the same movie we do, or if the jokes we happen to crack offend -- you don't have to stay here. But yet because the internet is "anonymous" people say and do things in online situations they might normally not do in real life. This can be good -- because you don't have to be "shy" when hidden behind a monitor vs. staring at someone face-to-face. And I'd pretty much bet money on the fact some of the best writing online stems from that very fact... But this can be bad, because tact and manners are sometimes checked at the computer room door. Granted, as with just about anything in life, if you put it up on the public chopping block you can expect to see others take issue with it eventually. But where does that fine line start and end when it comes to just what it is -- and isn't -- ok to say to someone in regards to their life and the way they live it? (Unless you happen to be their spouse or parent...)

And taking this issue even I mentioned elsewhere today...why do people think it's ok to correct your memories or opinions in your blog (an online journal), when they wouldn't dare take a red-ink pen to your paper-counterpart? No I don't mean minor little "don't you mean" corrections. I mean going to someone else's site and trying to reconstruct their life, and their history, the way you see fit. If they're happy -- if their spouse is happy -- if almost all of the people around them are happy (and amused) -- then what business is it of yours? If you don't enjoy what you see/read -- move on. There are blogs in every shape and form on the internet. I can pretty much guarantee you that with a few clicks of the mouse you'll find one more suited to your tastes if you'll just bother to take the time to look.

This entry isn't even about me -- or anything pertaining to my own blog and writing. But one day it might be... And quite frankly, I've been biting my lip 'til it's started to bleed.
posted at 01:44 AM | link--it | mail it | (16) shout it

*insert mic in your face*
Actually just overheard by an Olympics reporter to a figure skater... "How disappointed are you that you didn't make the top four?"

"Well let's see you dumb blonde bitch...I've only trained like 3/4 of my freakin' life for this... I get up around 4 a.m. every day. When do you get up again? I spend about eight hours of my day on ice. On ICE. I haven't felt my friggin' toes since sometime around, oh say, 1994. I'm in UTAH. Hello!? My skirt flops up and shows my ass in all its glory on international television, I'm so sick of glitter I could puke, and you don't even wanna know where I lost a sequin last week. Let's see you put on a plastic smile while your body is being tossed in the air at 50 mph, as you do half of your routine with a metal blade in your face. Oh yeah, my partner's breath smells like the inside of his skate -- and I'm getting really damn tired of seeing him in spandex. What were you saying again? Oh right... It's an honor just to be nominated. Or something like that... Where was I? What would Brian Boitano do? Probably take that stick used to whack Kerrigan and shove it up your..."
posted at 12:21 AM | link--it | mail it | (15) shout it

Whaddya waitin' for?
So if you haven't seen "I am Sam" based on our review yet, here's another good one by Michele. What are you waiting for? Go see it already!
posted at 09:19 PM | link--it | mail it | (7) shout it

Where'd you get those peepers
Another link courtesy of Dawn (who has beautiful baby blues) -- the eye project. Here's our double-set of entries by yours truly: private eyes...they're watching you...
posted at 02:24 PM | link--it | mail it | (1) shout it

I sit, and meanwhile back...
Thanks to Dawn's link in the "Satan's browser" thread yesterday, chances are you're no longer seeing this site in not-so-glorious centering in IE 6.0 for Windows. I just wanted to say thanks again! Stupid Microsoft...
posted at 12:49 PM | link--it | mail it | (2) shout it

There doesn't seem to be anyone around
Because the entry will get buried in the archives soon, I thought I should post this new comment in the thread about Tiffany posing for Playboy:

"After reading all your comments, I get the impression you don't think much of Tiffany. I urge you to visit her website, and see what the lady herself has to say about posing for Playboy. Also, you may not be aware that she released a fantastic album in 2000 entitled The Color of Silence. You can listen to song clips from the album on her site and I think you'll be pleasantly suprised."

I'm sorry Jules, but the article kind of lost me at, "Marose [Tiffany's spokesman] described Tiffany as 'a very religious person,' but said she had no moral problems with doing the spread..." (No pun intended I'm sure.) When you hear the expression "give it up to Jesus", I don't remember my Sunday School teacher mentioning spreading your coochee and jiggling your ta-tas for the camera as being part of "the deal" -- even if it's in nice soft-focus with really good articles. But that could be just me and my Southern Baptist has been known to be wrong before...
posted at 09:28 PM | link--it | mail it | (16) shout it

From the Sooner State with love
Lookee what we got in the mail today (very bottom of the page)! We sent OU Coach Bob Stoops a small thank-you note last month for staying at the University of Oklahoma (when Florida tried to hire him away), and we got a small...yeah, auto-generated but so what...note back from him today. Todd was all giddy-like when he walked in the door with it! How long 'til August again?
posted at 09:10 PM | link--it | mail it | (1) shout it

She blinded him with science
Todd has a new poll up at his blog -- make sure to go weigh in with your opinion and vote!
posted at 03:58 PM | link--it | mail it | (1) shout it

Satan's browser
So I have a question for all the smarty-smarts out there. What's up with the new IE 6.0 for Windows? I've had a few site owners write me now wanting to know why their site is suddenly all-centered. A quick note back saying, "You're running IE 6.0 now aren't you?", always returns a "yes" answer. I know to ask this because I lasted exactly 2 days on IE 6.0 on my Dell before pleading to Todd to bust it back to 5.5. Just about every site I viewed had centered text -- not to mention it sucking up resources faster than Todd sucks down Mountain Dew's Code Red. Going back to 5.5 (or viewing sites in 5.1 on the Mac) produced "normal" as-intended results.

What gives? Everyone I've encountered running 6.0 has had this centering problem now. Have you? And if you had/have the problem...did/do you know how to get around it... Thanks!
posted at 01:47 PM | link--it | mail it | (22) shout it

It's not delivery...
We laughed so hard at the end of this, I think we actually snorted. Ain't it da' truth baby, ain't it da' truth?
posted at 01:03 AM | link--it | mail it | (9) shout it

My Joshie's goin' to Green Bay!
'Scuse me while I sniffle and squeal... My boy's all grown up and goin' to Green Bay to meet his old pal Torrance Marshall! Yes, that's right -- the Green Bay Packers have just signed former OU QB Josh Heupel (who was out all last season with injury after being drafted by Miami). I haven't been blogging long enough for you to fully understand my love and devotion for Josh. It goes far beyond "Sooner fan loyalty". Todd smiles and nods his head every time he passes Josh's 8x10 glossy on the fridge. I don't think I washed my left hand for 3 days after Josh touched it signing an autograph.

I love Josh! And now he's going to study under one of the best -- Brett Fahv-ruh. I can devote 100% of my time and affection to the Pack next season, too, because 1) they are no longer in Tampa Bay's conference for the upcoming 2002 season -and- 2) THEY AREN'T MIAMI (or an orange team). I am just beyond excited here! Good luck on the frozen tundra Josh! Oh yeah, we're getting NFL Sunday Ticket this fall! And Todd just found out Green Bay is playing here in Tampa this fall, too...whoo hoo...
posted at 11:41 PM | link--it | mail it | (2) shout it

I'm a very disturbed little girl
But then again, you already knew that... I was just reading Angela's blog, and came across this photo of a present she just bought a friend -- as a baby gift. My first reaction was "they make designer maxi pads?", and then I realized that wouldn't exactly be baby related. So as I sat here busting up in fits of giggles, Todd peeks over my shoulder quips in a deep faux-British announcer-voice, "Coming soon to a Victoria's Secret near you...sheer satin and lace..." Yeah, we're going to make wonderful parents one day!
posted at 10:45 PM | link--it | mail it | (7) shout it

Tip of the day
I see "Call For Help" finally updated their site with a rather cool "how do you..." from today's show. Ever wonder how to find out the last time a site was updated? Here's a nifty little trick:

  1. Go to any website. (Or just try it here.)
  2. Now paste "javascript:alert(document.lastModified)" (without quotes) into the address bar.
  3. Be sure that the word "Modified" is capitalized. Press enter and up pops a window with the date and time info.

posted at 08:40 PM | link--it | mail it | (4) shout it

Was it real?
For those wondering if my little vein-popping episode late last night was based on something that was actually "real" or not, here are a few links for ya'.

The original Soapbox ("My wife has really suffered because of the time I've put into this website. She went to bed alone for two months while I was building the damn thing, and she has to look at my back every monrning and again at night, when I'm reading and answering email, or writing in my weblog.....I am thinking of making a 'Take Mrs. Wheaton out for Valentine's Day' fund, using those PayPal 'donate' buttons, set at 1 dollar, and 5 dollars. If people wanted to contribute to the fund, they could just click on it, and, depending on how much we raised, it would be a nice dinner out, where we dress up, or dinner and a movie, or dinner and the theatre, or going to a spiffy hotel overnight.")

One of Wil's blind-followers got a great response from "Matthew Rossi" in their post on the subject (swiped from Daypop). And beyond all that, Hoopty has a great list of responses grouped and linked over at his site if you want to read more on the subject.

And to quote Mr. Gump, that is all I have to say about that...
posted at 06:23 PM | link--it | mail it | (5) shout it

Two fingers or both hands?
Thought that subject title might grab your attention... This story was spotted over at Kristine's. It's about the Dvorak keyboard vs. the standard keyboard. The layout is different from the traditional keyboard we're all using -- because Dvorak hated having the letters "QWERTY" in the upper left, the vowels all scattered around, and obscure letters like J and K in prominent locations.

For hunt-and-peck typists like Todd, I think this concept/keyboard might be bliss. But I can basically type with my eyes closed. (Hell, I almost did on the old Dell laptop since the letters on the keys wore off long-ago.) I can't imagine having to re-train my brain to a new keyboard system after all these years. I'd almost certainly have to take a typing class again. To this day, I can still hear my typing teacher shriek "A, S, D, F, J, K, L, semi"!

How do you feel about trying something new? The above-linked article quotes Dvorak as saying, "Proposing a new key layout is akin to proposing to 'reverse the Ten Commandments and the Golden Rule, discard every moral principle, and ridicule motherhood.'" Sadly, I pretty much have to agree.
posted at 04:37 PM | link--it | mail it | (6) shout it

Feed Willy!
Once again, Todd has come through for all of us in the clutch!
posted at 04:06 PM | link--it | mail it | (0) shout it

Girls on Trampolines
After that last rant...whew...I thought I'd try to lighten things up a bit around here. Phew -- I think I'll go join 'em!
posted at 08:13 AM | link--it | mail it | (4) shout it

You have GOT to be kidding me
Ok, so I'm doing a little late-night blog surfing and ran across something that has literally made my blood boil. Who in the hell does this washed up, "celebrity" fucktard™ think he is?

You're a friggin' CELEBRITY Wil. You get "celebrity appearance" checks. I'm pretty sure you get royalty checks. And I'm also pretty damn sure your income is more than about 2-3 of your readers combined together. Yet WE were supposed to send YOU money so you could take YOUR WIFE out to a nice dinner? Do you possibly even comprehend how fucking crass and arrogant that is? (For those who missed the story, Wil asked his blog readers to send him money so he could take his wife out for a nice Valentine's dinner. I guess since he's spent so much time devoted to "us" and not to her, guilt is catching up with him.)

Oh yeah, Wil's all apologetic and humble-like once he's been flamed to high-heaven in more places than I can count...but c'mon... You give nothing -- and I do mean NOTHING, Wil -- back to the blogging community. What on earth makes you think you have the right to even ask money of us. I don't see your ass up 'til 3 a.m. setting up a friend's blog, or fixing their comments, or making graphics...or leaving comments at someone else's place...or...well you get the picture. We're supposed to somehow be humbled in your presence that you, as a "celebrity", bother to lower yourself and converse with us. Granted it's a one-way conversation as you rarely acknowledge visitors to your site, but we're still able to "live" your life with you every day. A life so pathetic that you have to ask people to send you money to make those around you feel better. Well you know what, Wil? My husband and I both blog, and we don't need to ask anyone for donated-dinners to make us feel better about our life or our marriage. You get a claimed 90,000 hits a month. If you're so hard up, toss up a few banners on the ol' site.

There are people on the Internet who are actually taking donations for GOOD causes like cancer and leukemia in children:

But oh no! Don't be fooled! We can bump up this celebrity-wife's dinner from a 4-star to a 5-star restaurant instead! Now that's reaching out to your fellow-man...

If you really want to waste money, I suggest PayPal'ing me for that SxSW jello-wrestling idea instead. Let Wil hit up "William Fucking Shatner" since they're so buddy-buddy now. Puh-leeze! Grrrrrr...just when I'd actually started to think the guy was pretty cool for donating to the Anti-Bloggies and taking all the bashing last week in stride... Guess I should have went with my first impression. Or maybe I'm just in a sugar coma-induced foul mood from all the "oh Wil, you're so wonderful" replies to his "apology".
posted at 01:25 AM | link--it | mail it | (22) shout it

MT version 2.0
Hey Christine! MT is looking for beta testers for version 2.0. You up for the challenge with me? Wanna write 'em and ask? [Update for everyone: Beta testing submissions are now closed!]
posted at 10:10 PM | link--it | mail it | (2) shout it

The blog debate
First learned about at Chris Pirillo's -- a new article at ZDNet by John Dvorak about the The online 'Blog' phenomenon. Startling revelations like "these postings are fascinating...blatant exhibitionism and obvious self-indulgence..." and "some people need to be the center of makes them feel good about themselves to tell the world what important things they've been doing and what profound thoughts they've been having..."
posted at 09:28 PM | link--it | mail it | (3) shout it

Wookin' pa (more) nub
I finally had time to wrap up a few loose ends, and just installed MT Search on Todd's blog. So if you want to count the number of times he's typed the word "dude" since last August, well then, have at it!
posted at 08:56 PM | link--it | mail it | (0) shout it

I think we're alone now
Thanks to Candi for this frightening little discovery -- remember bubble-gum-pop, mallrat-wannabe, 80s "star" Tiffany? It appears she's dropping her drawers in some sort of pathetic career-rivival attempt. And judging by that mug-shot, it looks like she's ripping off my hairstyle, too!
posted at 05:57 PM | link--it | mail it | (5) shout it

You don’t have to put on the red light
Kristine invited me to be a part of The Red Kitchen and I happily accepted! Look for me to start posting there soon...
posted at 05:14 PM | link--it | mail it | (3) shout it

Word up!
Thanks to mikey's suggestion, you now have a new skin to use at work. It's cleverly disguised as a document file. Enjoy!
posted at 02:10 PM | link--it | mail it | (17) shout it

Ummmm, ok then
Oh yeah, this is a future Darwin Award winner in the making!
posted at 12:36 PM | link--it | mail it | (0) shout it

Let's see here...
So if Christine and I actually, contractually, agreed to jello-wrestle at SxSW -- do you think if I set up a PayPal fund, Todd and I could somehow afford to get there? Hmmmm... Keep in mind we both refuse to fly, and I have this "thing" about not actually entering the Austin city-limits.
posted at 12:55 AM | link--it | mail it | (6) shout it

tuck fexas
Well the big day in college football is here...signing day for the fall 2002 season... Soon we will be inundated with stories about what a genius and recruiting god Mack Brown is. And soon we will laugh, as all good little Oklahomans do. The taunting and jeers will flow out of Austin like burnt orange sewage, as their messiah convinces them the promised land is oh, say, the Holiday Bowl. But you know what, I want their fans to think Mack is all that. It makes those Cotton Bowl victories that much more amusing when once again, OU proves on the field that Mack don't know nuthin' about nuthin' -- and all the pre-season hype and high rankings are just that. Hype. Sure Mack. Grab that "recruiting national championship". We'll see ya' in Dallas! Boomer Sooner!
posted at 12:15 AM | link--it | mail it | (9) shout it

Procrastination cha cha cha
Well I may be a day late but I'm not a dollar short! I just finished this week's Monday Mission.

  1. Any songs on the radio that you just can't stand? Anything by Creed. Anything.

  2. What color do you think looks the worst on you? Well that's an easy one -- orange!

  3. Can you ever really trust someone 100%? Yes. My husband. With my life, and then some.

  4. What is one comforting thing you can always count on in life? My Gma always fixing things and making them better when I call her and need her. The first time in my life I can't call...well I can't even take myself there...

  5. This Sunday my pastor encouraged the congregation to go on a 30-day fast of some sort. Some are going 30 days without television, others are eating only vegetables, while others are giving up caffiene or chocolate, etc. The concept is similar to lent, where sacrifice leads to spiritual enlightenment. What one imporant thing you could you give up for 30 days? Does giving up the ability to work and drive for over five years now count for something? I think I've paid my dues. Can we call it even?

  6. Imagine this: there is a fire in your parent's house. Your parents and any pets are safe. You are able to run in the house and grab something, but there is only time to carry out one box. What would be in it? Considering we've had a house fire when I was growing up, the main thing that was saved was photographs. Our teenage babysitter and her mom went in after the firemen had left and pulled the charred albums out of the end table. Then they washed them all in the sink and hung them on the closeline to dry. I think it was one of the nicest things anyone ever did for us. (Unfortunately we lost all 3 of our pets though.)

  7. Taking it a step further, let's say the fire was in your home, but it was small and contained to the living room. The fire is out and your family is helping move your belongings out of the house. Is there anything embarassing or personal in your house that you might not want a family member to discover? Just how many bottles of bubble bath I actually own...

  8. BONUS: Am I in too deep? Have I lost my mind? I refuse to answer on the grounds it causes muscle twitches and involuntary spasms. And not the good kind either!

posted at 10:23 PM | link--it | mail it | (0) shout it

She always hooks me up
Christine always makes my life so much easier! She just linked BlogScript v 1.5 -- an AppleScript that was designed to function on Mac OS X v10.1. "BlogScript's main purpose is to allow users of Blogger, Movable Type, Manilla, and any any XML-RPC server that uses the Blogger API to post directly from a users desktop, or from anywhere for that matter. It allows the user to copy any text from any application and by making a single menu selection have the weblog entry posted automatically, instantly." Thanks Schmoopie!
posted at 09:27 PM | link--it | mail it | (2) shout it

Return to sender...
Yes, yes...I know this will be shocking to you all...but it's over between Lisa Marie Presley and Nicolas Cage. I wonder who will get to keep the velvet Elvis painting?
posted at 07:09 PM | link--it | mail it | (4) shout it

La la la la la - she's got the look!
I've added a couple of new skins to the site today. Todd wanted something new but a little more "clothed" for work -- and one of those fits the bill (and just happens to be one of his favorite actresses). The other is a pinup I've been wanting to use for awhile now. To check them both out, and/or switch your current skin, go here!
posted at 06:08 PM | link--it | mail it | (5) shout it

Todd is now in mourning
Megan from "The Screen Savers" was on "Call For Help" today, and now Todd says his site is officially going to black. Megan was discussing tips on buying your house using a PDA (wish we'd had this info last spring!) -- and mentioned being married. Todd's hopes and dreams are officially dashed. Poor thing.
posted at 05:26 PM | link--it | mail it | (0) shout it

This or That Tuesday
I think Ashley was hungry when she wrote this week's This or That!

  1. Coke or Pepsi? COKE! If waiters or waitresses even try to bring me that Pepsi-shit without saying they serve Pepsi instead when you ask for a Coke...
  2. McDonald's or Kentucky Fried Chicken? I like the sandwiches and sides at KFC better.
  3. Pizza or subs? Depends on my mood, but usually subs.
  4. Nintendo or PlayStation? As mentioned yesterday, I want this!
  5. One credit card or more? More than one but never use 'em now. Learned the hard way in college...
  6. Photos of people or photos of nature? If taking them myself, I prefer to shoot photos of the great outdoors.
  7. In the car, do you listen to the radio or CDs/tapes? Since our radio stations here suck, I prefer CDs.
  8. Would you rather see a dentist or a doctor? Doctor. If they do the wrong thing, it's much easier to punch them since you're not all numbed up.
  9. Did you watch the Super Bowl or not? Yes, and I was very happy to see the Rams lose!
  10. American or non-American made car? After owning three American-made cars (2 Dodges and 1 Ford), God as my witness, I will never own American again. (And for the record, I didn't want to own American for the first three. I wanted a Honda for the last purchase.)

posted at 03:11 PM | link--it | mail it | (2) shout it

And we're back
E-mail is finally working properly on the new server! You can now use my regular e-mail acct. once again: (By the way, this server move is totally unrelated to all of the past problems with my blog on a different server.)
posted at 02:13 PM | link--it | mail it | (0) shout it

Bouncy bouncy, fun, fun
If you need to write me today, or you've had mail bounce already, I'm in the middle of a server move. Please use this address 'til further notice: -- thanks!
posted at 12:13 PM | link--it | mail it | (0) shout it

This post may or may not be here tomorrow. As Christine and I like to joke, our server has been up and down more than a cheap whore for the last few days. Operators are standing by, and Christine has been ever-so-gently ripping tech support a new one 'til they listened to her. So it's not just you if you've been having trouble getting the page to load (or load at all). Hopefully after all of the testing and patching tonight, we'll both be back to your regularly scheduled blogs tomorrow -- maybe even with a new hottie or two over here if you're really nice!
posted at 12:28 AM | link--it | mail it | (5) shout it

Make a note of it
Seen stapled to lightposts all around D.C. today: TONIGHT ON CAPITAL HILL -- EVERYONE GETS LAY'ED! (With special guest Jeremy Piven.)
posted at 07:07 PM | link--it | mail it | (1) shout it

To quote Butthead
This is the coolest thing I have ever seen... Shiny, metal mirrored surface, LCD read-out, DVD player, REMOTE CONTROL, and all the gamey goodness of the GameCube and PS2. Oh Todd...
posted at 05:12 PM | link--it | mail it | (2) shout it

Stay out da' Bushes
Ok, I realize Dubb-yawn is more of a color-by-numbers kinda guy than a fine art connoisseur -- but is it really fitting for the office of President of the United States of America to actually keep a score-card? I know all those big, bad evil al Qaeda names must be pretty darn hard to pronounce -- but if the President actually needs a Cliff Notes cheat sheet/bingo board in his desk, next thing you know, he'll be asking for the balloons that blow up in funny shapes and all.
posted at 03:23 PM | link--it | mail it | (5) shout it

And in other news
Winona Ryder was charged with four felony counts stemming from her "supposed illicit shopping spree" at the Saks Fifth Avenue in Beverly Hills ... Backstreet Boy Nick Carter avoids being made a Backstreet Man in jail ... Sesame Street turns 29 and begins to deal with 9-11 ... and Dave Letterman celebrates three thousand, five hundred and fifty-eight late nights (a.k.a. 20 years).
posted at 03:01 PM | link--it | mail it | (4) shout it

Be an anti-blogite
Just in case you put it off over the weekend, don't forget to go and vote in the Anti-Bloggies! Because there really is no justice in this world if I don't sweep the "Bad Hair Blog" category. I mean, c'mon! It's not like I did it for science or anything...
posted at 01:34 AM | link--it | mail it | (3) shout it

Buh-bye Pop Warner
YES! Congrats go out to all of our friends in New England (and their fans) -- they took down Warner and the Rams -- and it was good. If we've left anyone out, please forgive our anti-Ram euphoria -- we hope you're feelin' the love! We're firm believers that N'awlins makes everything right.
posted at 10:13 PM | link--it | mail it | (6) shout it

Super Bowl shuffle
Maybe it's because I'm getting old and cynical. Maybe it's because I feel like crap today. Maybe it's because I'm in a hormonal snit. But I've been stuck on this Super Bowl pre-game show for about 2 hours now, and it's driving me crazy. How many of my favorite artists have sold out... Let's see, we're up to three now. (Yes, my beloved Gwen is even amoung the 2002 honorees. I'll forgive her, hoping she was just after the free game tickets and trip to New Orleans.) But when did U2 quit being a kick-ass political band and turn (corporate) ass-kisser. Oh yeah, Zooropa. Moving on...

Right now Paul McCartney is talking 'bout freedom. Ironic since we won freedom from his country, no? NFL coaches recited the Declaration of Independence (or at least I think that was what they were reciting as I did my best to tune it out). Nothing screams patriotism like "sponsored by Pepsi" slapped on the tail-end of it. I don't want history lessons. I don't want any more images of politicians kissing babies or firemen looking defeated. And God in heaven willing, I don't want any unneccesary zoom-in's of Kurt Warner's freaky, fashion victim wife. I just want FOOTBALL and really funny commercials. Is that so wrong?
posted at 06:11 PM | link--it | mail it | (2) shout it

I guess we're going to hell, too
But you already knew that. I was poking through my referrer stats this morning, and found this site. Todd was in the kitchen making his breakfast, and he heard me bust up laughing -- so he came in here to check out why. I pointed to this on the screen, and he quickly joined me. We will never hear the Klondike Bar commercial the same way again!
posted at 12:51 PM
| link--it | mail it | (0) shout it

I rate it an 8 but you can't dance to 'em
Step aside Justin Timberlake! My husband is now the lead-singer of his own boy band Boyz 2 Blogs! Why to think just a few short weeks ago I was packing up the crystal and anchoring the Christmas tree as he flailed around the house mastering Darren's Dance Grooves. Now we'll both be making the weekly commute to O-town as he hones his vocal skillz as well... *wiping a tear from my eye* I'm proud of ya' babe. Real proud. (Can I have a backstage pass? I promise to remove the brown M&Ms from the candy dish!)
posted at 12:26 AM | link--it | mail it | (8) shout it

C'est la vie
Just e-mailed to Ryan and Chel...sigh...

Well I got all of 2 hours sleep last night. It ain't happenin' for us today. Todd put it best -- "If you go, we need to know the quickest route to Tampa General." I'm sad and pissed about it. Stupid morning events... But he's right, and I don't think there's any way I could do all of the walking that will be involved. So have fun and get drunk/rowdy for us. We're livin' vicariously through you today. Thank goodness the Knight parade is at NIGHT!

So let that be a lesson to ya'. Don't be jealous of me being home all day every day. This is the end result. Make sure to check Ryan and Chel's blog this weekend for photos of all we missed!
posted at 07:39 AM | link--it | mail it | (9) shout it

Insomnia schnomnia
Yeah, you know how you have all these good intentions of going to bed on time and actually sleeping...and uhhhh...well...yeah again... That 45 minute nap sure was great! Ooooh boy, I'm going to be a walking corpse in the morning.
posted at 01:29 AM | link--it | mail it | (3) shout it

Gasparilla or bust...literally
Well folks, we're taking our Geritol and are actually going to attempt to be in bed by midnight on a Friday night. *gasp* Why, you might ask? Well because tomorrow is Gasparilla!

We actually have to be in downtown Tampa before 10 a.m. tomorrow (a.k.a. dawn to me) to meet up with everyone, or they'll start closing off the streets and we'll have to sell our house to park. So be good over the weekend. If you are, I just might send you a shiny new set of beads (if you ask nicely)! And no, I won't earn them. Different town, different time I'm 'fraid...
posted at 10:53 PM | link--it | mail it | (1) shout it

Yeah whatever...
The Anti-Bloggies are here! The Anti-Bloggies are here!

Dawn explains it best...
posted at 06:47 PM | link--it | mail it | (2) shout it

Destination wedding of the month
The new February 2002 Destination Wedding of the Month is up now. This month's location? Walt Disney World, Florida!
posted at 06:29 PM | link--it | mail it | (0) shout it

I can't believe I watched the whole thing
Another great "fix" from Call For Help today: Have you been jonesing for commercials since ad critic went belly-up? Just in time for Super Bowl weekend there's AdReview and AdForum!
posted at 05:08 PM | link--it | mail it | (1) shout it

Bloggers Anonymous
Hi, I'm Robyn. And I'm addicted to blogging. I couldn't post new entries -- or have comments left on old entries -- all night last night due to excess-bandwidth errors. (Big thanks to Christine for fixing everything for me!) Now today, I finally sit down at my computer, and I can't connect because a router is suddenly down in my area. I might actually have to do something today. The horror!

Todd can connect to my blog from work, however, so I'm sending him this entry and letting him post it for me. Almost as pathetic as posting to your blog from a cell phone, but not quite... If you haven't had a chance to check out Todd's new digs, his blog changed names and domains last night. Stop by and give 'im some sugah.

And if you haven't had a chance to see the new February Dress of the Month, it's up online now as well! Off to make sacrifices to the Internet gods...happy Friday everyone...
posted at 03:26 PM | link--it | mail it | (6) shout it