Personal blog entries now here. Blogger Boobie-Thon moved here.
Want a new view? You're not stuck with this design -- skin the site!

Just magic marker, Xerox, you!
Am I the only one out there paranoid to lick the Christmas card envelopes after that Seinfeld episode where the cheap glue on the wedding invites kills Susan?
posted at 09:05 PM | link--it | mail it | (11) shout it

This is (not) why we watch
Ok, so he can trash all of my little idiosyncrasies in his blog all the now I can pass along one of his... If he even thinks he's going to say, "It's a beaut Clark!" after every good play OU makes tonight, wet willies are the least of his worry.
posted at 08:54 PM | link--it | mail it | (1) shout it

I'm too sexy for my cat
You know it's cold outside when the cats stay under the blankets in Florida!
posted at 06:20 PM | link--it | mail it | (7) shout it

Jane...his wife...
Whoo hoo! I'm moving in with Mikey. Notify the proper authorities.
posted at 04:04 AM | link--it | mail it | (7) shout it

How to tell I'm finally 30
The first thought that crossed my mind when sitting down to do online shopping was, "I...need a drink." So now thanks to Mike's (refreshingly) Hard Lemonade, I can now enjoy my holiday shopping experience.
posted at 02:32 AM | link--it | mail it | (10) shout it

But you, you're not allowed
Most people probably missed this entry from May. I closed and removed the comments from it. I just wanted to move on and get past it.

The way I blogged forever changed from what went down during that time. Because the person mentioned was local, Todd and I both became very careful to not list movie theaters and restaurants we'd be visiting in advance -- unless we knew there would be a large crowd meeting us there. The individual would watch our blogs for locations we'd say we would be at and then show up there. They would post in their blog they were doing so as well. Talk about unnerving. We quickly put an end to it. Other than private events at blogger's homes and such, we usually try to blog about such meetings after the fact. I'm more careful than I've ever been before about who has our address and phone, and why. And I rarely open ICQ or AIM because of what occurred.

But twice now in the last two weeks -- two separate women -- totally unconnected and unaware of the other -- have written me to ask "was this the person because they're now after me". And in both instances, they were right on target. This person told them the same things to strike up the friendships, and did the same things that left them running scared.

It's beyond coincidence now. This person is purposely seeking out other female bloggers for purely inappropriate reasons. I'm stopping short of writing his name and URL here and cyberly castrating him. It's not time yet. But I do want to know if there are other women out there having the same problem. Please don't name names or give out their personal information unless it's via private e-mail -- but don't be afraid to speak up here and say "me too". It's time we all ganged up and the roach gets exterminated once and for all...

UPDATE: With this many women coming forward, someone finally had enough. Ok, now two someones have had enough. There's safety in numbers girls. If you need us, please speak up here or via e-mail.
posted at 07:25 PM | link--it | mail it | (117) shout it

We've been good, but we can't last...
More prezzies have graced my doorway! Stacy sent the Magic 8 Ball game and Nicole sent the mostest awesome handmade journal. Thank yooooooou!

If you're going to be holiday shopping online this weekend like me, you might be interested to know that this address will give you free shipping on orders of $25 or more (rather than the $49 advertised on their website).

Since 'tis the season for wishlists, Shelli and Kymberlie are putting together a new project. Stay tuned for great things ahead!

My sidebar has my current holiday wallpaper -- feel free to swipe a copy.

And I can feel sorry for all you northerners with your snow and ice, no problem. But when we're also getting a windchill here in Florida, it's a big problem. It already feels like 44° with a wind out of the north, and it's still early evening. I've had quite e-nough, thankyouverymuch! This sucks, and my back is killing me. Hooray for Darvocet!

Hope everyone has a marvelous weekend...please pass the b'ankie and hot cocoa...
posted at 06:36 PM | link--it | mail it | (7) shout it

She works hard for the money
A few sites I've done that are finally going (or have recently gone) live -- so expect bumps!

  1. RightSolve (finally the parent design of the spin-off site I designed in the past for Wendell -- I did his three blog skins, and Shelli's, too)
  2. You say it best when you say nothing at all (another fine Sekimori Design just launched)
  3. Blissful Knowledge (looks a lot like a few of my past Sekimori designs, but the client always gets exactly what they ask for and that's what counts)
  4. Notes from the Velvet Crypt (this design is so "not me" -- but I did it exactly to specs and by the owner's request to mimic the look of this site)
  5. The Agonist (he should be sainted for his patience with me on this one!)
Stay tuned for more to come... It doesn't look like there will be anything resembling a holiday lull around here this year!
posted at 04:11 PM | link--it | mail it | (5) shout it

I like football and porno and books about war
An e-mail with Stacy just reminded me of this song, so now everyone can play along...

[Click to view the song lyrics]

Right-click the image (or this link) to save... A-S-S-H-O-L-E. Everybody!
posted at 03:27 PM | link--it | mail it | (7) shout it

Insane in the membrane
Netflix really needs to add a drag-and-drop feature to their rental queues, so you don't have to update the order of each and every movie in there by hand if you add something brand new to your queue, say, in the top five. It's SUCH a pain renumbering everything! (Or they could at least give you the option to insert the title in a specific slot and have everything auto-adjust below it.) Bah. Humbug. Of course, I guess since that's my largest complaint with the service, I should pro'lly just shut the hell up...
posted at 03:06 PM | link--it | mail it | (4) shout it

How much is that Robyn in the window?
Somehow I missed the whole "" thing the first time it went around the blogisphere. But last night I plonked my information in and learned I'm worth exactly $2,200,298.00! (Average value for a female is $1,650,701.00.) So just remember, I may talk softly -- but I married a big Dick.
posted at 03:27 AM | link--it | mail it | (5) shout it

Do me a favor
WM! has a new advertiser -- If you subscribe to their wedding newsletter you'll get a free E-book with wedding favor ideas and wedding links. For more details, please visit their site.
posted at 02:55 AM | link--it | mail it | (0) shout it

Let's get physical
Oh you mean you really do have to exercise and eat a healthy diet? You can't down two teaspoons of Body Solutions, go to bed, and watch the pounds melt away? I'm shocked. No. Really...

Americans are so freakin' gullible when it comes to weight loss schemes. Myself included. The other day Yvonne and I compared our past stupid exercize equipment purchases. Mine was the body exer-slide just before our wedding, where you put on the little booties and slide back and forth on a mat, almost like ice skating. Yeah, that lasted about two afternoons. It was much easier to just walk. At least in the new "thug workout video", they're keepin' it real.

So what's the most ridiculous weight loss method or equipment you've ever tried / purchased?
posted at 01:56 AM | link--it | mail it | (10) shout it

You and me baby ain't nuthin' but mammals
Y'know, I'm an animal lover. We donate to more than one animal cause every year. But when is PETA going to get a grip and get over themselves? They've had how many years now to change the world? And all it seems they ever succeed in doing is making people laugh at them. Now they're after Ben Affleck, according to

"We love Ben Affleck," says a PETA insider. "Here is a man who once stopped to help an animal that was hit by a car and paid the vet’s bill. His brother, Casey, is a vegan. But then he hooks up with this diva who wears mink eyelashes! Next thing you know, we’re hearing that he’s buying fur coats! We’re praying that we haven’t lost one to the dark side."
Now far be it from me to defend baldie and J-Ho. But c'mon. Get over yourselves PETA. Mink eyelashes are like so '87 anyway.

MSNBC also provides the (somewhat related) quote of the day -- credit Richard Gere, regarding rumors about his sexual orientation: "I know who I am. No one else knows who I am. If I was a giraffe and somebody said I was a snake, I’d think, 'no, actually I’m a giraffe'."

Richard is the snake to my mongoose. Or the mongoose to my snake. Either way its bad. I don't know animals...
posted at 01:18 AM | link--it | mail it | (1) shout it

Christmas came early this year
If you're using the Gwen default skin, you might have noticed things have changed a bit. Mikey helped me make things a little festive around here for the next few weeks. There's an alternate version with a naughty Mrs. Claus if that sort of thing is more your bag, baby. For some reason, these designs don't like Netscape 4.7, so you're just going to have to deal. It's Christmas. I'm-a do things my way.

Don't panic if you're attached to Gwen though. That design -- and several others -- are still located on the skins page! Just go here to pick a new one and / or reset your old one. Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night...
posted at 09:03 PM | link--it | mail it | (14) shout it

Don't put me off, 'cause I'm on fire

Oh, do you wanna see me down on my knees
Or bending over backwards now, would you be pleased
Unlike the others, I'd do anything
I'm not the same, I have no shame
I'm on fire.....

You're always closing your door
Well that only makes me want you more
And day and night I cry for your love
But you're still not convinced that that is enough

To justify my wanting you
Now tell me what you want me to do
I'm not blind and I know
That you want to want me but you can't let go
Come on, let go, oh.....

posted at 04:31 PM | link--it | mail it | (11) shout it

A wave of mutilation
Here's a link from Kathy (who really needs to get her own blog, ahem) -- The Top 100 Albums of the 1980s. Oh yeah, this should keep me busy on Limewire for hours...
posted at 03:00 PM | link--it | mail it | (3) shout it

Have you tasted the Schwetty balls?

Stuck on just what to buy your loved ones this holiday season? How about their very own copy of "Cooking With Porn Stars: For The Holidays"! You'll laugh. You'll cry. You'll wonder just what's really inside the eggnog. And apparently they bake "special Christmas beer cookies". It don't get much better than that!
posted at 02:46 AM | link--it | mail it | (3) shout it

Leapin' lizards!
Jason was kind enough to install Gallery for me this weekend and I finally got a chance to play around with it. We went to the post office this evening (I got the tape, - thanks so much jewdez!) and when we came back home we found this little guy hanging out in my Christmas wreath on the front do'. So of course, I grabbed my G3...
posted at 12:40 AM | link--it | mail it | (9) shout it

Let's get ready to ruuuuuumble...
It just goes to show you, literally anyone can get an AOL account these days... Anyone wanna try saying that to my face? Go ahead. I double-dog dare you.

[Offer valid in 49 states. Sooooorrrry Tennessee. Please note that is not responsible for any injuries, mental or physical, that might result. Personal liability insurance is required during PMS week. See store display for more details.]
posted at 10:37 PM | link--it | mail it | (9) shout it

Now that's what I'm talkin' 'bout!
Just spotted over at "My So-Called Life":

I pledge allegiance to the fl... er... bandana,
of the Eastern States of America,
and to the partying for which it stands,
many blogs, under MT,
Indivisible, with lunacy and madness for all.

posted at 03:44 PM | link--it | mail it | (10) shout it

Behold the power of cheese!
We all noticed over the weekend that ATPTB is now the #1 (non-sponsored) link in Google for "wet t-shirt contest". Should we be proud or scared? Maybe a little of both...
posted at 03:36 PM | link--it | mail it | (3) shout it

Your picture on my wall, it reminds me that it's not so bad
A little birdie told me about a new site collecting submissions for a book called "for this i am grateful":

We all have many things to be grateful for in our lives. But in the day-to-day rush to cross yet one more item off our "to do list," it's easy to lose sight of these small blessings.

[for this i am grateful] is a celebration of these simple joys in our lives, and in our world—bringing together our personal reflections to the question: "What are you grateful for?"

[for this i am grateful] will be published in fall 2003 and will be available at bookstores nationally.
If you are interested in participating, the submission form is here.
posted at 03:47 AM | link--it | mail it | (4) shout it

I'll help apply the vapo-rub!

posted at 03:27 AM | link--it | mail it | (13) shout it

I fucking hate eggnog, seriously
This one is a long-distance dedication going out to Statia:

[Click to view the song lyrics]

Right-click the image (or this link) to save...and enjoy! And for more great Christmas tune ideas, here's a list of 'em that I posted last year. Feel free to add more ideas in the comments here!
posted at 11:34 PM | link--it | mail it | (6) shout it

You're dirty, sweet and you're my girl
After Todd's birthday party, we were called out by the left-coasters who seem to all think they can party better out there beyond the continental divide. About all they could offer up at the time were photos from impromptu gatherings. But now they've decided to pull out all the stops and throw a monstah-bash on January 4th. They're even trying to glean our guestlists to help get their freak on.

But while we're coasting nicely on our chopper after getting kicked out of the happiest place on earth (party 1, party 2, party 3, party 4, party 5), they're still putting the training wheels on their ride. So grab one of the buttons below and pledge your allegiance. Word.

Just link back to this address, and after you flip the calendar to January 5, 2003 -- let us know who takes it. Who reigns supreme. Get it on. Bang a gong. The Blogger Battle is ON!
posted at 09:57 PM | link--it | mail it | (70) shout it

The real enchilada
Last night our mommarrrrrrrrosa cooked an amazing dinner -- and we're both drooling uncontrollably as we wait on the leftovers to heat up! If Yvonne ever offers to cook for you, do not pass Go. Do not collect $200. Get your arse to the sto' and let that woman do her thang!

In fact, it was SO freakin' good that Selina hopped on her suitcase last night and let it be known mommarosa wasn't going anywhere if she could help it! *sniff* I miss everyone.
posted at 08:14 PM | link--it | mail it | (6) shout it

I'm just a bill, yeah I'm only a bill
Note to bill paper invoice manufacturers: Please do not put the perforated-tear edges for the payment coupon less than .5 cm away from the tri-fold in the bill itself, making it completely impossible to tear the damn thing off at the right place properly. If you do, I wish you a lifetime of tongue-paper-cuts as you lick your own envelopes closed.
posted at 04:36 PM | link--it | mail it | (2) shout it

Tickle my funny bone
I'm heading to bed... When I wake up the house will be empty (have a safe flight home, Yvonne!), and I know I'll need a laugh. So please post jokes here for when I'm online again. Thanks!

"Laugh, and the world laughs with you. Cry, and I'll give ya' something to cry about you little bastard!" -- Jeff Goldblum
posted at 04:04 AM | link--it | mail it | (21) shout it

Just need to admit that I want sugar in my tea

"Are Weezer Fans Different From Normal People?" You're damn right =w=e are! Fill out the 2-page survey (linked at the band's official site to prove it.
posted at 03:43 AM | link--it | mail it | (0) shout it

I did not put the grrrr in swinger, baby
And just for the record to address all the rumors I've heard floatin' around out there, we don't swing...
posted at 11:33 PM | link--it | mail it | (17) shout it

Only the lonely can play
Jason's hit the highway. Statia's left on a jet plane. And Yvonne flies off at dawn tomorrow. I'm already lonely. This house is just going to be impossibly quiet tomorrow when Todd is at work and everyone's gone. Everyone joked that we'd be so glad to get rid of them and have the place all to ourselves tomorrow, but that's just not true. It was like one big happy family around here the past few days.

Yvonne sings in the shower. She's singing in the kitchen right now while she makes us enchiladas cha cha cha for dinner. She has the most beautiful voice I've ever heard and just makes our "home" seem even more of one. Statia flooded our toilet and puked on our couch and it didn't even phase us. She could announce she was moving in tomorrow and we'd take her shopping to decorate her room (and buy more cleaner for the steam vac of course). Heh. She's like a sister to me. And Jason. Hell it was like having our own personal tech support two feet away. He also makes a bitchin' cabana boy. That boy's got a dark side, and that's a very good thing.

We don't have children. Can't we just adopt bloggers instead? Is that so wrong? Have jokes ready to keep me entertained tomorrow -- I have a feeling I'm going to be in one helluva funk.

Ooooh! Statia just called and Todd's on the phone with her right now. She's in North Carolina with an hour delay. That poor girl has the worst luck with airline travel. She was taking bets before she left Tampa that there would be something ahead. Bad US Airways. Bad, bad! Hope you get there safely -- and soon -- girl!
posted at 09:35 PM | link--it | mail it | (10) shout it

You might be a winner...
Until now, I had never put in a request for anything with wKen's "Let Me Buy You Something" monthly contest (even though I think it's one of the coolest concepts out there). I just never felt like there was anything I "needed" that was worth taking it away from someone else who possibly did. But for November, I submitted my first (and only) request. If I won, I wanted $50 donated to the Susan G. Komen Foundation in Statia's name -- basically as my gift to her for all of the flak she took over this. And guess what? We won! So many thanks to wKen! That now makes it $1301.00 donated to breast cancer research since we kicked off the campaign on November 5th.
posted at 03:56 PM | link--it | mail it | (9) shout it

Closing ceremonies

Unfortunately our weekend o' fun and debauchery is about to come to a close. Jason leaves in the morning and Statia flies out early tomorrow evening. Yvonne follows suit early Tuesday morning. *pout* But tonight we braved the bitter cold (30s? in Florida?) and went to Ybor for dinner at The Dish -- a Mongolian grill. When we were walking out, we ended up face-to-face with comedian George Wallace who was exiting the Tampa Improv. He was kind enough to take a few seconds to mack out and pose with the girls. Right place at the right time, baby! Always take your camera with...
posted at 01:20 AM | link--it | mail it | (7) shout it

'Nuther round o' thanks!
Things have been so crazy the last few days (I still have 113 unreplied e-mails in my inbox) that I haven't had a chance to properly thank everyone who bought/sent birthday gifts. Many apologies! So a big group hug goes out to Statia, Yvonne, Heather, Anthony (website coming this week designed by yours truly!), Tracy, Meryl, and Christi for the Sephora gift certificate! This has truly been the best birthday EVER!
posted at 03:47 PM | link--it | mail it | (9) shout it

The day after the night before

I can't believe they drank the whole thing...

posted at 02:54 PM | link--it | mail it | (1) shout it

It's always fun with J.E.L-L.O.

Jell-O. Proud sponsor of Saturday night's festivities. Click for pics...
posted at 05:04 AM | link--it | mail it | (3) shout it