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Posted: 12.29.2001
The 2001 Wrap-up
Idea stolen from Mena (as mentioned below) -- my top 10 blog entries for 2001 -- in no particular order!

From the home office in Norman, OK - My Top 10 Blog Entries for 2001:

  1. My very first blog entry (from Blogger): quite amusing that I wasn't even sure if I could do it, and now I'm near 800 entries less than six months later!
  2. Trying to process 9-11: like everyone, I was still struggling for words and trying to come to terms with what had actually happened that day
  3. In my own handwriting: I think this entry is unique because it was hand-written and not just the everyday "typed-text" format
  4. Why don't you just tell us how you really feel: my annual bitch-slap against the longhorns and their fans after OU defeated texas at the Cotton Bowl
  5. Maybe some birds shouldn't fly: dealing with (irrational?) thoughts and fears following the American Airlines crash in Queens on November 12th
  6. Things that defeat me: one of the rare times I will actually open up about my health and how it effects my daily life
  7. Things I'm thankful for: because in the end, the good always overshadows the bad
  8. Vanilla Sky review: words cannot express how much we thought this movie sucked, but I gave it my best!
  9. Beauty school drop-out: the reason my blog is now pink (I still can't believe I did it)
  10. And the earth stood still: a summary of the day I met the rest of my life

Those were great!! This was such a great idea... some of those I'd missed. And it's cool to see which ones you picked as your top favs. :)

¤ ¤ posted by Jennifer on December 29, 2001 at 08:54 PM ¤ ¤

I agree - quite cool to see what you picked. I am going to do it too - but I haven't yet. I think that's going to be my New Year's Eve project - I have a whole year of posts to go through though! (Only the May-December are in MT, maybe I'll finally convert the Blogger posts before I do it.)

¤ ¤ posted by Christine on December 29, 2001 at 11:15 PM ¤ ¤


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