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Posted: 09.11.2001
Is this really happening
I went and looked up the following photo in our online album just to try and process all of this. I can't believe I've stood atop a building that is now complete rubble -- it was bad enough knowing I'd driven past the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building on a frequent basis -- but to know something I've stood in while so happy, to the very floor, is now a part of one of the worst events in American history. It just does not seem possible...the footage just looks so "Hollywood"...your mind can't wrap around it!

Ironically, we have two friends that worked at the WTC -- and both stayed home today. Lynn wrote to say that Michael had planned on going into the city late today because they stayed up late last night talking about and planning their move to Texas. Another pal from high school, Chase, stayed home from work sick today. Jon wrote to let us know that Carrie had talked to him and he's ok in Brooklyn. I don't think I've ever prayed more in my life -- including the OKC bombing. And I don't think I've ever wished that I had an American flag to fly more than this very moment...


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