Personal blog entries now here. Blogger Boobie-Thon moved here.
Want a new view? You're not stuck with this design -- skin the site!

The one that makes me scream she said
I always point out good celebrity image sites when I find 'em -- and here's an excellent one I just stumbled across -- Celebrity Fansites. And as a bonus, here's a great (but not necessarily work-safe) archive of Charlize Theron pics...and more.
posted at 04:43 AM | link--it | mail it | (4) shout it

ATTN. Fontaholics Anonymous
I was just kindly pointed towards DaFONT -- a very nice font archive with lots of scripty fonts. Have fun kids.
posted at 11:25 AM | link--it | mail it | (7) shout it

Wanna get dirty - it's about time for my arrival

I have a new default skin just in time for the Bucs' debut on Monday Night Football 2003-04. To reset to this skin, pick a new one, or to change back to one of your old favorites, please visit the skins page.

Just remember, foosball is the devil.
posted at 01:14 PM | link--it | mail it | (19) shout it

Postcards from the edge
Spotted over at Blogdex: web design postcards. "Look through these postcards for coding, design and content tips for your own sites, and if one of the sites you visit regularly doesn’t measure up, why not show them you care by emailing them the URL of an applicable card?"

I break this rule. Often. So sue me. I likes it how I likes it...
posted at 10:42 AM | link--it | mail it | (6) shout it

New blog smell
Just got a new Sekimori Design launched and finally off of Blogspot yesterday --

Stop by for a look-see when you get a chance. And thanks again, Daniel! -Robyn
posted at 11:18 AM | link--it | mail it | (1) shout it

So you'd better treat 'er right
I had a couple of new designs launch this past week -- West Indies Cricket Blog and (currently empty, optimized for 800x600 by request). Both Ryan and Jeff should be sainted for their patience -- it's been a bumpy summer. I've probably neglected to mention a few other new "connect the dots" and Sekimori Designs over the past few weeks as well, so you can always be nosey and snoop through the portfolio. New designs have a pink star by 'em...

UPDATE: I forgot to mention that the Suncoast Sooners site has been updated for the 2003 OU football season. Let's get ready to ruuuuuuumble!
posted at 12:53 PM | link--it | mail it | (7) shout it

It's not easy being green
Stacy just gave Sekimori Design a fabulous overhaul. Please check it out!
posted at 04:23 PM | link--it | mail it | (6) shout it

If you can't beat ''s really no fun, now is it?
I'm still getting at least one e-mail a day from someone honestly trying to help, but a tad bit freaked out that my site is "broken". I e-mailed Christine after her comment here and went ahead and followed her suggestion. Do you think late-comers will get the hint after they load my site and find this staring right at 'em? At least it won't be throwing up php-error gang signs anymore...
posted at 11:35 PM | link--it | mail it | (13) shout it

All work and no play
In between working on everyone else's sites, I got a few CSS and code issues cleaned up for Netscape 7, Mozilla, and IE 5.0 on the new skin and in my sidebar. I swear, the day we actually have a single browser standard... If anyone even pipes up with an issue for Safari, you're sitting in the first-grade room's chairs the rest of the month! Why? Because I can. Nyah!
posted at 09:19 PM | link--it | mail it | (10) shout it

Think I'm gonna need a bigger tiara

I just added a new skin that's a twist on my default summer skin -- this one curtsies to Princess Grace of Monaco. Go to the skins page to select this one, or if you'd just like to change the one you're currently using.

UPDATE: I'm still receiving well-meaning e-mails letting me know the site is broken. It's not. Please read this old entry for a better explanation, and how to fix it.
posted at 04:13 PM | link--it | mail it | (19) shout it

Happy anniversary to me...again!
For some reason, I just happened to catch my "one year ago today" section in my archives, and noticed that on 06.03.02 I wrapped my very first design for Sekimori. My portfolio has literally mushroomed since then. What a difference a year makes! Now hire me, dammit...
posted at 06:04 PM | link--it | mail it | (3) shout it

Sans taste
Remember this entry of mine earlier in the week? Who knew? (Thanks to Kristine for the link!)
posted at 12:32 AM | link--it | mail it | (3) shout it

Ladies with an attitude
I ruined it for I'll ruin it for you, too. Every time I see the new design I think "Wonder Bread". But who cares -- I like Wonder Bread -- and I like the way it looks. A design that reminds you of sammiches can't be all bad...

And here are a few good sites if you want yesteryear vixen pics:

  5. Rita Hayworth: The Love Goddess
Lastly, since this design is all about Rita, here are three great images of her just because (image 1, image 2, image 3). If you have additional, similar photo links to pass on, please leave them in the comments!
posted at 01:56 AM | link--it | mail it | (12) shout it

No deposit, no return
[give credit where credit is due] I found this link in a great entry over at Kristine's -- Give Credit Where Credit Is Due!. It's an "interactive tutorial illustrating the importance of giving credit on the same page as graphics are used, utilizing the newest offerings of some of the best linkware and shareware graphic designers on the net".
posted at 10:55 PM | link--it | mail it | (3) shout it's like a merry-go-round
The maroon background around here was starting to get me down. I needed something light, airy, and well...summery... So I changed the default skin. I also deleted several of my old skins, so if you're showing up to random wonkiness, that's why... Don't yell at me. My site. My prerogative. Change is good. Get used to it.

To reset your skin, just go here. The 800x600 crowd should be much happier with Rita as the default now though. Enjoy! I promise to get the other skins up to par by late tonight.

UPDATE: Everything should be fixed now. Let me know if you have any problems!
posted at 07:52 PM | link--it | mail it | (29) shout it

No. More. Wire. Hangers!
My kingdom for the head of Vincent Connare (author and creator of the font Comic Sans) on a platter. Fava beans and a nice chianti optional.
posted at 10:15 PM | link--it | mail it | (6) shout it

Pie, anyone?
Boobies and pie -- two American tastes that taste great together! I love making surprises.

UPDATE: Gretchen links the uncompleted first-pitched design (to Chris) here. I had so much fun working on the site! Hopefully we'll get 'er all skinned soon.
posted at 02:31 PM | link--it | mail it | (11) shout it

Help me - I broke apart my insides
My darling Todd, after overhearing a particularly brutal coding session while he and Robbie enjoyed the boob tube: "Yeah, I think it's probably a very good thing I'm not usually awake when you're doing this stuff."

Gee, ya' think? It's like I always say... That which does not kill me leaves my husband scrambling for chocolate sacrifices.
posted at 02:33 AM | link--it | mail it | (3) shout it

If it's free, it's for me!

[click to see template in action

Statia has a bitchin' new patriotic design, which reminded me of an old template I used to have on my blog after 9/11. She suggested I recycle it and put it up as shareware -- so after a few tweaks, it's now ready to go. You can see it in action over at Kitty's blog on a temp page. Please note that it was designed to work with Movable Type (it's ready to go as your index.html file) -- but it can be modified for other blog software at your own discretion.

If you decide you want it and just can't live without it, right-click here to download the zip file with the images, HTML, and instructions.

Leave me a ping or a note if you use it so I can go see! Thanks!

UPDATE (9:25 PM EDT): I changed one line of code for the comment pop-ups in MT on "template_code.txt". If you've previously downloaded the above .zip file this evening (since updated), you can get the updated version of "template_code.txt" here.
posted at 08:31 PM | link--it | mail it | (1) shout it

The long and winding road
I finished up another design for Sean-Paul this evening -- "The Silk Road".

Sekimori. We do it with <style>!
posted at 12:16 AM | link--it | mail it | (6) shout it

I'm gonna be on tel-e-vision

[nbc video] Will of "Weblog Central" just e-mailed me the following:

Hey guys, wanted to make sure you saw that the Nightly News from last night is viewable online. It's the 7th clip.

I'm not sure how to give you a clean link to the video itself. This opens the video but sizes it wrong.

The link will disappear from the Nightly News page in a day probably, but the video should be viewable for a lot longer than that.

So there you go...fifteen more minutes of fame in case you missed it last night! Thanks Will!

posted at 04:15 PM | link--it | mail it | (5) shout it

All work and no play...
I just finished my latest masterpiece for Sekimori -- "Sofia Sideshow". This blog was so much fun to design. The author currently lives in Bulgaria and sent me a stack of photos he'd taken around the country. We picked the best ones, and I built his desired template around them (image 1, image 2).

I have two more designs to crank out by the end of the weekend, and more stacking up in the pile for next week. So need that vacation that's hopefully coming soon!
posted at 12:00 AM | link--it | mail it | (7) shout it

Look 'ma, I'm on TV (well, sort of)

[Sean Paul] [Sean Paul]

[The Agonist] [Instapundit]

It's not every day a girl gets to see her work on the NBC Nightly News -- one of the sites I designed (as mentioned last night) made it on the air this evening. One of the sites Stacy designed made it on as well. I'd have to say it was a good day...for Sekimori Design!
posted at 07:23 PM | link--it | mail it | (11) shout it

Want to take bets how many times it takes me to bang my head on the keyboard this afternoon 'til I draw blood?
posted at 03:48 PM | link--it | mail it | (16) shout it

Designing women
My time schedule has been like swiss cheese for weeks now with life and health. My brain just isn't firing on all cylinders yet. But I've had a few designs launch for Sekimori since early February, so here they all are -- the most recent officially goes live tomorrow:

  1. Porphyrogenitus -- I just tweaked his pre-existing graphics. The logo is almost done. (Still needs to be spliced.)
  2. diablogger -- the client did the animation, I did the rest. He'll be changing out the animation frequently, so pay attention.
  3. Commentariat -- pretty cut and dry. He knew what he wanted before he found us. (Update: Link seems to be disabled for the time being. It was working as of this entry.)
  4. -- you may have already seen Craig comment around here. I did the splash page, patient site, Craig's weblog, and I'm wrapping the family blog this week. (The Maggie Story site was already there.) It's not too often I have a client request non-traditional font names and color schemes, so that's been nice. Some graphics subject to change...but I'm very proud of what we've both put together so far.
Every single one of the above -- plus the three I have wrapping in the next week or so -- all deserve gold stars for their patience. Thanks again everyone!
posted at 01:16 AM | link--it | mail it | (5) shout it

It's not easy facing up when your whole world is black
A few design-wraps this past week...with more to come in the next few days...

  1. Books and Other Stuff and
  2. Historic Federal Hill Main Street (logo by Karen Coughlin)
  3. The Literature Program at Richard Stockton College
Whew! At this rate, I'm gonna be blind by Christmas...but I'm not complaining!
posted at 04:20 PM | link--it | mail it | (2) shout it

May I have your attention please?


We're gonna have a problem here...
posted at 03:59 PM | link--it | mail it | (12) shout it

Trans-Atlantic flight
I just wrapped another design for Sekimori (with more to follow later this week/weekend if my current schedule holds)... Welcome AtlanticBlog out of the shackles of Blogspot!
posted at 02:23 AM | link--it | mail it | (2) shout it

Dear Diaries
Still feeling like @#$%!, but one of my latest sites launched overnight -- The Gweilo Diaries. Yes, I know there are too many big images (each one used was provided by and requested by the client). And yes I know it loads slow (it's his stats tracker) and the fonts are rather large. I'm innocent, I tell ya'! But I really like the color scheme, so there.
posted at 04:57 PM | link--it | mail it | (15) shout it