Personal blog entries now here. Blogger Boobie-Thon moved here.
Want a new view? You're not stuck with this design -- skin the site!

Water's too hot in the hot tub
Just FYI: the webcam feed is live on the hot tub...NOW!
posted at 11:50 PM | link--it | mail it | (22) shout it

Good things come in threes
See what happens when you send the boys off to the sto'. Poor things...
posted at 09:31 PM | link--it | mail it | (7) shout it

Shot thru the heart, and you're to blame
These just went into the fridge thanks to Kristine! Stay tuned...
posted at 08:46 PM | link--it | mail it | (2) shout it

Wisdom for the ages
Just overheard: "First you've gotta get into the head position, and then spin your legs around..." And that was just after two Smirnoff Ices. Oh yeah. She's goin' down tonight! Stay tuned for more interesting quotes and webcam shots soon!
posted at 07:30 PM | link--it | mail it | (2) shout it

Poke-ing my eyes out
Yes, I am watching the OU-OSU game. And yes, you can talk to the hand. It's just what the hangover ordered... Where'd I put my drink? Heh. I think?
posted at 03:44 PM | link--it | mail it | (10) shout it

The Happiest Place on Earth vs. The Bloggers
Another half-dozen images from our evening out at Disney...enjoy!

posted at 02:23 PM | link--it | mail it | (3) shout it

The day after the night before
OU football kicks off in 45 minutes and I still can't focus properly... Whoo boy that was a fun evening last night. Solonor has an excellent summary up at his pad -- well at least pre-Pleasure Island and the boys getting kicked out of the Mousey gates. You see, I may be blonde and innocent, but who says I'm always sweet? I knows hows to gets what I want...and I'm not afraid to don my tiara and grab it, baby! Viva la birthday weekend...
posted at 01:49 PM | link--it | mail it | (1) shout it

How to get kicked out of Disney for $100, Alex
I have many more...but this brief wrap-up will have to do on my limited sobriety for now... I can say with 100% certainty that Jason was SO kicked out of Disney tonight (see here, here and here)!

More on tonight's events here, here and here. And please stay tuned. Web cam feed to follow tomorrow night as well...

posted at 04:41 AM | link--it | mail it | (9) shout it

The host with the most

This is a quick shout-out to Wendel if he makes it over here. Best waiter EVER. Thanks for the memories babe! Make sure to say "hi" if you see this...

-Robyn, Yvonne, and the birthday crew
posted at 04:11 AM | link--it | mail it | (1) shout it

I'm a blonde -- yeah, yeah, yeah
So I just thought this was the funniest phone call ever. Oh no. The one I just had with Erica Lynn was. If you've ever doubted I'm a natural blonde 'til now, just ask the other three people in my house right now. I just got pranked by the "Susan G. Komen Foundation", wanting to give the donations back because they were raised by porn. I was chastised for being 30 and not having more taste or self-control than that. And it just went on...and on...and on... I hear my head was snapping around in "oh no you di'unt" fashion and I was in full attack mode. Apparently Todd and Statia helped set this up over a week ago. My husband is SO going down soon. And I don't mean the good kind. Everyone is going to be smiling all damn day at my expense. I love it!
posted at 02:05 PM | link--it | mail it | (11) shout it

Peer pressure
You know how Tracy is always saying she needs to just get a blog? Well we took a few to tag-team tonight and make it happen. No. More. Excuses! So go bug her and guilt her into posting there...
posted at 01:03 AM | link--it | mail it | (1) shout it

Can't we all just get along?

So what -- can't we all be brothers?

posted at 11:20 PM | link--it | mail it | (7) shout it

23rd Psalm for a Princess
We were shopping here last night, and I just had to buy it:

The Lord is my shephard, I shall not want.
He leadeth me to Neiman Marcus.
He giveth me energy for shopping.
He restoreth my checkbook.

He teacheth me to make restaurant reservations.
He leadeth me past many discount
stores for mine own sake.

Yea, though I walk on by
I shall not go in, for Thou art with me.

Thy fashionable clothes, they comfort me.
Thou preparest diamond jewelry for me
in the presence of mine enemies.

Thou anointest my face with Chanel cosmetics.
My cup overflows.
Surely designer clothes shall follow me
to the end of my days.

And I will shop in Saks Fifth Avenue forever.

Happy day-after-Thanksgiving sales tomorrow!
posted at 10:31 PM | link--it | mail it | (1) shout it

It's my birthday, too, yeah!
I woke up to these from my husband today. Yeah, I'm keeping him...

posted at 09:45 PM | link--it | mail it | (2) shout it

You say it's your birthday?

Remember when you're gathered around your family's table, to give thanks that I was born 30 years ago today. Have a happy Thanksgiving everyone!
posted at 01:27 AM | link--it | mail it | (67) shout it

Here's to good friends, tonight is kinda special
They both made it here safely! I'm currently baking pu'nkin pie and this. And I got carded tonight when I went to buy the wine. I'sall good! Happy (almost) Thanksgiving everyone!
posted at 11:29 PM | link--it | mail it | (5) shout it

After the fire, after all the rain, I will be the flame
Random, useless rant from a really lazy housekeeper who loves smell goods: I really hate that peach-fuzzy dust stuff that accumulates around the wicks of pillar candles. It is impossible to clean. To really get in there you risk busting the wick off, and to leave it is just plain gross. Time to buy new instead...
posted at 03:59 PM | link--it | mail it | (5) shout it

The air outside so soft is saying everything
The next few days are going to be quite hectic around during my pseudo-absence, please check out the following blog reads...

  1. Dania's Dailies -- someone who shares my passion for bath goodies is good people
  2. Abracadabra...It's a Ruthie -- such a yummy design right now
  3. geeky chick dot net -- long time reader, first-time caller
  4. inluminent/weblog -- the photos here should keep a lot of you entertained -- I think there are words there, too
  5. Le Chapeau -- 'nuther tasty design
And if you act now before the end of this entry, these blogs are absolutely free!
posted at 03:26 AM | link--it | mail it | (5) shout it

And why is the carpet wet, Todd?
E! counts down the "top 20 Christmas flicks". I'm glad they included "The Ref" -- I think it's too-often overlooked. And if you need more choices before heading out to Blockbuster this weekend, check out our holiday movie list again. It's 3 full pages!
posted at 01:33 AM | link--it | mail it | (7) shout it

You would even say it glows
Remember when we bought these and everyone went nuts? You can't even find them in our Target stores any longer -- but they're on sale for $16.99 online right now!
posted at 03:15 PM | link--it | mail it | (12) shout it

Houdini she is not
Well I may not have a child, but I do have a dog... Our guest rooms are in total chaos right now. All of our Christmas decorations are stored in the closets, so rather than uproot Statia and Jason when they get here tomorrow and make their rooms a mess, we're putting everything up right now. Normally I hate to decorate before Thanksgiving, but it seems the only way this year.

We finished about half of it last night, but Claire isn't supposed to go in the back guest bed. Last night instead of closing the door when we wrapped for the evening, I creatively moved all the big bins to where you could walk about 6" into the room until you got around the corner, but you'd have to move the bins to get any further inside than that.

Since I've got up today, Claire has tried about a million different ways to "sneak" back there and figure out a way around all the bins. I haven't said a word -- just watched her quietly from down the hall. She'll walk around and assess the barriers, give up, flop down on the carpet in front of the door and sigh heavily. Then she'll realize I'm not going to "help" her or baby her over it, so she'll slooooowly walk in the computer room or in the living room for dramatic effect, and then "sneak" off back down the hall again a few minutes later to see if things have changed and she can get in there yet. Lather, rinse, repeat. It's freakin' hysterical -- that is SO tripping her out. She can get in, but not get around.

Curses for not being born a cat... There she goes again!
posted at 02:54 PM | link--it | mail it | (7) shout it

Wrap 'er up -- I'll take it!
Thinking about spicing your blog design up for the holidays? Glen Road Girls has tons of pre-made holiday blog sets that will work with Movable Type. This one is a personal fave of mine since I used her last year. Check 'em out!
posted at 03:28 AM | link--it | mail it | (4) shout it

You don't own me

Ever wonder how a fight goes around here? Pretty much like this.
posted at 09:50 PM | link--it | mail it | (10) shout it

Monkey do, monkey sea
More prezzies showed up today from Kathy and Michele! Kathy sent a lovely journal with cool magnets tucked inside, and Michele sent my very own Sea Monkey kingdom. Inside had to have been the funniest document we've ever received with a gift. Thanks guys!

UPDATE: Try to catch them live on the Sea Monkey Cam!
posted at 08:12 PM | link--it | mail it | (4) shout it

I do believe this means war
Ok, I'm sorry -- but this "story" is complete and utter BS. Forget about the hit Warren Sapp gave that started it all for just a second. Sapp and Favre were joking on the field 'til the very end so it couldn't have been that big of a deal.

I saw the confrontation live. I saw it unedited. And Sapp went up to Green Bay's Coach Mike Sherman at the end of the game, all smiles, to shake his hand and say "good game" (which we all know deep down means you sucked ass today and we didn't) -- but still -- it was in the name of good sportsmanship. The thing I've noticed being edited out of every press report since is that the first words out of Coach Mike Sherman's mouth to Sapp when refusing to shake his hand were, and I quote, "FUCK YOU." Not, "What you did was wrong." But rather, "FUCK YOU." Then Sapp got pissed, and then the heated exchange began.

You can fine Sapp. I'm sure his aggressive actions towards another coach post-game might warrant it. But if you fine him, you'd damn well better fine Coach Sherman as well. He is in the position of authority when representing his team. And when he walked up to another one of our players -- who again, was being sportsmanlike as he approached the coach -- and started off with, "FUCK YOU," well all bets are off. He got what he deserved. I agree with Sapp. If you think you're so tough Coach Sherman, put a jersey on.

Did Sapp need to make the hit that started this all? Probably not. But we're seeing a zoom-in of that hit only when saying that -- not the action going on around him in 360°. And we're not hyped up on adrenaline during one of the biggest games of the year. Even Favre said he wanted to wait and look at the film before commenting. And the hit Sapp gave was legal. It was not flagged. Sapp clearly stated he was protecting Brian Kelly in the post-game press conference. This isn't Pop Warner or flag football. This is the NFL. And if the refs didn't think it warranted a yellow cloth "FUCK YOU" to Warren Sapp, who the hell is Coach Sherman to give it? I can guarantee you Coach Holmgren wouldn't have shown the same lack of class back in the day.

Warren Sapp: "I've got two or three [blockers] on me. We get a pick, Brian Kelly is running all over the field. I see a guy going at my man, I put a lick on him. What's the problem? I didn't hit him below the waist, there's no flag on the play. Is this not a contact sport? Nine referees on the field didn't find anything wrong with it, and I'm sure they're looking at 99 [Sapp's number]. I don't care if they review it. It's nothing but the man's running after the ball and I put a lick on him."

End of story.
posted at 03:49 PM | link--it | mail it | (21) shout it

Gee. No, gee three!

Not too bad for a newbie still learning the ropes and all...
posted at 03:01 PM | link--it | mail it | (10) shout it

Let me hear your body talk
You just head on over to my house baby, and I'll give you a lot more than the 'ultimate physical' for $2K. Guar-uhn-teed.
posted at 02:05 PM | link--it | mail it | (2) shout it

A cheer for the birthday boy
I hope you have a wonderful birthday, Mike! Sans crappy yellow topaz, of course...

posted at 04:29 AM | link--it | mail it | (2) shout it

I wish it were Sunday
A mostly-FARK-inspired series of headlines for your Manic Monday.

  1. Yet another tragic, but amusing, case of "didn't stop to think about the font" they'd chosen (image saved here just in case)...
  2. Suuuuuure he was wearing trousers and underpants! Mmmm...hmmm.
  3. Porn movie makers invade millionaire neighborhood -- hillarity ensues.
  4. So which one is the turkey?
  5. The Bush twins are legal -- fake ID companies surrender.
And last but certainly not least...the gnomes have been found! Party at Chris Pirillo's!
posted at 03:21 AM | link--it | mail it | (9) shout it

She wants to lead the glamorous life
InStyle Magazine is doing another contest -- this time for goodies featured in their December issue (like MAC cosmetics). You can fill out the form online here.
posted at 02:28 AM | link--it | mail it | (0) shout it

Hurrah for Thanksgiving Day!
The cabinets are now fully stocked -- we're just waiting on these two to get here and help us eat it all on Thursday! I thought I'd share a few of Todd's favorite things. I've made each of them four years running now and would be shot on sight if I dared suggest otherwise: "New England-style stuffing" (which was voted better than the traditional family stuffing and replaced it), "Holiday Roll" (an old family recipe from Todd's side), and "Martha's Perfect Mashed Potatoes" (because they just don't get better than this if you use Yukon Gold)

I don't eat sweet potatoes, but Todd loves them. Much to his delight, Statia will also be baking this. Now where did I put those elastic waistband pants?
posted at 02:01 AM | link--it | mail it | (4) shout it

And the winner is...

To see the 2nd and 3rd place winners, please visit the contest site.
posted at 10:30 PM | link--it | mail it | (6) shout it

D'oh, Pack! D'oh!
Any of you dumbass Philly fans wanna come back here and talk smack now? 9-2 baby. You know what I'm talkin' 'bout.
posted at 07:16 PM | link--it | mail it | (17) shout it