Personal blog entries now here. Blogger Boobie-Thon moved here.
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Live...from Tampa's Saturday night!
In case you haven't checked yet, the party cam is up and running!

UPDATE: A chat room was set up for us to monitor the party's progress. You can get there on IRC at room #tampabaypartycam.
posted at 08:39 PM | link--it | mail it | (27) shout it

With love from me to you
Look what showed up on our way out the do' late yesterday afternoon! A huge Gnomedex care package from Jim and Candi! It was packed full of t-shirts, boxers, CDs, a Lockergnome beanie signed by Chris, and more! Thank you SO much guys!!!!

Everyone made it in safely last night -- although Statia and Mike had quite the adventure. Their original flight turned back on the runway from mechanical problems, so they were delayed getting into Dulles. This made them miss their connecting flight to Tampa, so the only thing they could get was to Orlando. Only problem was, it landed at the exact same time as Christi's flight here in Tampa. So we cooled our heels at the Sooner Club watch party (what a fuh-gly first half it was!) and then went to pick up Christi. The Philadelphia gang drank at their airport bar in the meantime, and we managed to get them shortly after 1 a.m.

Everyone here didn't make it to bed 'til after 5 a.m., so no 'net camming for us yet... But check in later! And happy holiday weekend everyone!
posted at 03:32 PM | link--it | mail it | (6) shout it

Boomer frickin' Sooner, ok?
In just over four hours the Oklahoma Sooners will be taking on the Tulsa Golden Hurricanes. Yes, yes -- I know what you must be thinking. Hurricanes have a color? And doesn't Oklahoma have tornadoes instead? But that's not the point... The point is -- it's time to PLAY! Bring. It. On.
posted at 03:38 PM | link--it | mail it | (9) shout it

I've got posters on the wall - my favorite rock group Kiss

Now I have an 8x10 glossy of Rivers Cuomo to put under my pillow at night! I joined the official Weezer fanclub this summer and my starter kit just showed up. Too cool...
posted at 01:36 PM | link--it | mail it | (1) shout it

Happy trails to you
Just want to wish the three of you safe flights tomorrow -- can't wait to see ya'! And safe driving wishes go out to Annessa, who lands (edited for the sake of Veshka and all Canadians) arrives in town tomorrow night!
posted at 03:33 AM | link--it | mail it | (12) shout it

It don't mean a thing if it ain't got that ping
Great new find from the Scripty Goddesses: Ben and Mena of Movable Type have released a stand-alone TrackBack! "It allows non-Movable Type users to use TrackBack with the tool of their choice." Drop by the site and see if your blogging tool meets the requirements.
posted at 03:10 AM | link--it | mail it | (1) shout it

You're filthy cute and baby you know it
Remember all those "E! Rank" lists I've linked in the past? Well there's a new one up -- the "top 25 Hollywood bachelorettes". I think the play-by-play commentary is much better left to Stacy, but Christina Ricci's pic actually made me snap-back. (She looks almost as bad there as the so-called new Performer of the Millennium - with what, one year under our belt - does here.) And for the love of god, will someone please feed Brittany Murphy again? Ho-ho's. Twinkies. I don't care. The girl needs her arms back. Just don't forget to play "spot the muumuus" while you're browsing the top 25, mmmk?
posted at 02:59 AM | link--it | mail it | (9) shout it

S.A.T.U.R. - D.A.Y. Night!
We just got back from a massive grocery store and liquor store run. Here's a little preview of Saturday night's festivities (the new stuff, already stocked cabinet, stocked garage fridge). It's not too late to RSVP to the big bash. Unlike P-iddy we don't require that you wax-on -- only that you wax-off. I'm...not sure what that means. But it sounds like fun. Don't forget to check in on the party cam!
posted at 10:58 PM | link--it | mail it | (13) shout it

Every girl's crazy 'bout a sharp-dressed man
I'm completely shocked that my invitation wasn't in the mail. *sniff* I'm crushed. No really...I am.

I'm not sure which funnier -- that the invite actually had to define what "fly shit" is, or that it mandates the ladies must be "waxed".
posted at 04:48 PM | link--it | mail it | (13) shout it

Hotmail...not so hot... Yahoo! still blows. Film at 11.
Think using Yahoo or Hotmail e-mail at work protects you from your boss’ prying eyes? Think again. New spy software essentially lets employers or parents co-pilot virtually any kind of e-mail account, including private Web-based e-mail accounts like Yahoo and Hotmail. A new version of eBlaster spyware will secretly forward all e-mail coming and going through such Web-based accounts to a spy’s e-mail, allowing anyone to ride-along even supposedly private e-mail.
Just a little heads-up to those of you who haven't heard the word yet. Be careful out there folks... (Get the full scoop at
posted at 05:06 AM | link--it | mail it | (8) shout it

Someday, someway...
Borrowed from Robin, who told two friends, and they told two friends, and so on and so on, and shoobee doobee do wop...

  1. Someday my hair will grow back out.
  2. Someday I will go back to school and finish my double-degree since I wanted to get out fast at the time and stopped with the one I least-wanted.
  3. Someday I will be able to afford to get my teeth fixed and quit hating them.
  4. Someday I want to live ON the beach and not just near it.
  5. Someday I will work from home because I want to, and not because I have to.

posted at 03:00 AM | link--it | mail it | (1) shout it

I love you, Todd!

Today, my better half turns 30. Where do I start? I was just a teenager, 19 years old, when I met him. And even when he didn't...I always knew. I am so incredibly blessed to have him by my side each and every day -- even when he makes cracks about my hair. I often tease him that he's the only one on the planet that could put up with me for a lifetime, and I mean it. He'll tell you otherwise...but don't listen to him. I'm right. We're heading on seven years of marriage, and I still find post-it notes in places I'd least expect them telling me "good morning", or "I love you", or well, that's for us now isn't it? Every day when I check my e-mail I have a note from him saying "good morning" with hugs and kisses -- even though he knows it will probably be afternoon by the time I actually read it. How lucky am I? my everything. And now that we're both about to leave our 20s behind and head on to the 30-something decade, I just wanted to take a few moments to let him -- and everyone around us -- know how much I love him. So forgive this little PDA, but I hope you have the bestest birthday ever, babe. Now hurry home for your spankings...30 will take me awhile! ;-p

posted at 12:00 AM | link--it | mail it | (27) shout it

Kathy's clown
She's in Vegas so she probably won't see this today -- but Kathy turns 30 on August 29th, as well! Happy birthday girlie! Bet on red -- I don't care what Wesley says.

posted at 12:00 AM | link--it | mail it | (2) shout it

King of porn
Suddenly that, Honey, why don't we visit Manhattan on September 23rd request (when the "serious, academically credentialed" Museum of Sex opens) makes much more sense... "It will be a primary source for historical research and a great repository of pop culture." Riiiiight. And I'm sure visitors will go to the museum just to read the articles, too.
posted at 11:44 PM | link--it | mail it | (1) shout it

Oh it is to laugh
Poor, poor Tennessee fans. Stupid orange teams...
posted at 10:54 PM | link--it | mail it | (5) shout it

The tracks of my tears
Fortunately, I think in a couple of weeks I'll be able to do something with it... It could definitely be worse. No points for artistry here, but here's the front and back. Gads, I am such a girl. It's just hair.

UPDATE: Well these and this face just walked through the door. He's not a total male-schmuck. He looks good in guilt so I guess I'll have to forgive him now. <wink> Ahhhh...marriage.
posted at 09:55 PM | link--it | mail it | (29) shout it

Husbandry 101
How to make your wife cry for hours... When her stylist doesn't show up for her appointment, and she gets stuck with someone else, who proceeds to cut her hair a good 4" shorter than she asked -- even when she stopped replacement stylist before the top layer had been cut by saying "it's too short" -- let the first words out of your mouth when walking by her side out of said salon be, "It looks like shit." Gee tell me something I didn't know. Now I'm crying too hard to care that it's almost 10 p.m. and I haven't eaten. Guys -- tell her she looks good. That you'd still do 'er even if bald. I swear lying isn't that hard.
posted at 09:28 PM | link--it | mail it | (14) shout it

So what I wanna know is...
...who took the time to count all of the colors to begin with before bringing the lawsuit?

"Palm Inc. has admitted it overstated the color display features of its new m130 handheld. Now it faces a consumer class-action lawsuit. The maker of personal digital assistants apologized last week to customers, saying on its Web site that it had discovered the m130 supports about 58,621 color combinations -- not the 'more than 65,000 colors' that the company had been advertising since the product came out in March." (Read the full article at
posted at 03:11 PM | link--it | mail it | (4) shout it

I'll be missing you
I've long had a thing for Ewan McGregor, but this quote and photo just about elevates him to god-status in my eyes! I...need a moment.
posted at 03:53 AM | link--it | mail it | (17) shout it

Everyone knows it's Butters!
Paaiint. Everything clean. Everything new. Paaiint. Must be made clean. New. Must clean Butters. Clean. Never be clean. Must...kill? The only way? Must kill Butters. Paaiint...
posted at 01:01 AM | link--it | mail it | (5) shout it

They say that waking up is hard to do
We took a reeeeeeally long nap this afternoon, so while sitting on the couch trying to regain consciousness I opened up my little editing program and made a new IE bookmark icon for the site. It looks like this:

If you've bookmarked the page in the past, it probably won't work for you this time around, since I used to have a little heart icon -- but it's something fun to play around with nonetheless (just bookmark, and then click on my link from your bookmarks, and it should show up in the IE address bar).

If you want to do the same thing at your own site, here's an article from on how to do it. This is the program I use to draw the .ico files.
posted at 08:15 PM | link--it | mail it | (10) shout it

And I thought our insurance premiums were bad
This is just a wee bit scary -- Raymond James Stadium, home of the Tampa Bay Buccaneers, has lost its insurance. "An independent insurance consultant told the Tampa Sports Authority to expect a 30 percent increase in premiums and no guarantee that terrorism attacks will be covered...the sports authority paid $266,167 in premiums this year for property, liability and auto insurance..."
posted at 02:54 PM | link--it | mail it | (5) shout it

Rah Oklahoma and friends: still looking for a last-minute gift idea for Mr. Pollman? Lookee what Jana just found (ships in September)!
posted at 01:48 PM | link--it | mail it | (9) shout it

Just as I was getting ready to head to bed, Todd decided to call in "sick" because the Explorer is acting kinda funky and we have to take it in later. Since he can't take his birthday will be his unbirthday I guess. Off to snuggle with my man! Go read this blog if you get bored.

UPDATE: Well Todd just got back with the car, and $140 later (thank goodness not $1040 later), it was a problem with the thermostat not cooling the engine. The Ford dealership said they get about 10 Explorers a week with this problem. Recall anyone?

But an amusing side note. Claire was in bed with me when he came back. She woke up and heard someone walking around inside before I did, so she immediately started groaning and growling in 'attack' mode. Then the bedroom door opened. So what did my little defender do? She RAN UNDER THE BED! She thought it was an intruder, and she hid. Lovely. And here I always thought she'd just lick them to death...
posted at 06:16 AM | link--it | mail it | (10) shout it

Eye candy
Ok, to all the ladies that complained the green Christina skin was gone...quit y'er whinin'! If this doesn't make you adore football, I really don't know what will... (To select a different skin, go here.)

So if you'll please excuse me, I have to get back to work on other people's stuff now.
posted at 05:12 AM | link--it | mail it | (9) shout it

Watch this space...
I got my old Dell back from Tara recently, which is the only computer our webcam works with. And just in time... We spent the evening getting software set up so we can provide a live feed of the birthday bash this weekend. Here was our parting "test shot". I'll be spicing up the HTML on the cam page here in a bit -- but for now, it's working! Goooo us!

Just don't expect me to sit around on camera all week letting that thing steal my soul. What you see, is what you get...for now. Hey, a girl's gotta have some mystery around 'er!
posted at 11:52 PM | link--it | mail it | (9) shout it

Maybe I'm amazed at the way you're with me all the time

[Patiently wating...]

This weekend, this was the scene I walked out to after brushing my teeth, washing my face, and other nightly routines... (The foot of the bed faces the master bath.) Thankfully the camera was in close-reach, so I had to share. I never imagined life could be this happy.
posted at 09:22 PM | link--it | mail it | (15) shout it

He turned me into his super spanky slut
It is SO unfair that in a tickle/pinch fight, girls have more parts to be used against them than guys do. Waaaaah!
posted at 08:53 PM | link--it | mail it | (5) shout it

Goin' to the chapel?
There's a great new look over at the digital bride! And they're looking for new authors -- so if you're getting married soon, or know of someone who is, contact them.

And speaking of weddings, you have until Tuesday night to vote for the bride's hairstyle at "Today Throws a Wedding".
posted at 05:53 PM | link--it | mail it | (1) shout it

The blogger's guide to popularity
Newsweek has a new article out titled "Living in the Blog-osphere". Just once I'd like to see blog authors other than Andrew Sullivan, Dave Winer, and Glenn Reynolds get nods in the mainstream press though. That's not to say the above shouldn't share the limelight. It's just there are so many others out there to choose from now... Blogging articles seem to be cut-and-pasted regurgitation these days. Media nods to individual bloggers have become almost as bad as media nods to wedding sites (*cough*Knot*cough*).
posted at 03:48 PM | link--it | mail it | (4) shout it

I just changed the spring (green) Christina skin to a more fall-like one. Click here if you're ready for some football. (And click here to reset your skins again, if you'd like to make a different choice.)
posted at 03:23 PM | link--it | mail it | (7) shout it

New moon on Monday
It's another Manic Monday. Wish it were Sunday. Now for the news, FARK style.

  1. From Yahoo! News, a photo of the world's youngest-known mother -- a FIVE-YEAR OLD from Peru! Yes, she was five.
  2. Even in the animal kingdom it's true -- once you go black, you never go back.
  3. "Sex in play in women's sports" -- no, really? I'd never guess when reading wKen's blog...
  4. So those are giant, bouncy balls you have there sir.
  5. Poor Britney. I almost feel sorry for her. I said almost.
And last but not least, just for Christine, "holiday cards we could really use"...
posted at 04:04 AM | link--it | mail it | (6) shout it

Stop. Hammer time.
This weekend, Glen found out what it's like to live-client e-mail me in the middle of the night. His blog is named "Velvet Hammers", so I sent him pics of MC Hammer as a mock design option. Too bad I couldn't find one of him in velvet, or we'd have been set. There are still a few kinks to be ironed out here and there, and the paint is still wet so no sitting or leaning -- but go tell 'im "hi" when you have a chance! I'm still diggin' those fonts he chose.
posted at 03:40 AM | link--it | mail it | (3) shout it

Just because
I missed him...and I don't mean that in an Eddie Haskell kind of way. Welcome back Chris, Gretchen, Mikey, Jason and all the other Gnomedex'ers and BlogCon'ers!
posted at 03:30 AM | link--it | mail it | (1) shout it

What I want you got - and it might be hard to handle
So John Oates - formerly of Hall and Oates - wants to make a comeback. Well I'm sorry sweetie, but you were never "there" to begin with. I give you all Exhibit A and Exhibit B. (Yes, I purchased the album "Voices" with my allowance in the third grade. Wanna make something of it? Didn't think so...) Notice the tight pink pants. The jazz hands pose. The white leather pointy boots. The sleeveless Pitts shirt which managed to show off just that... Even for the 80s, there simply was no excuse. I wasn't even 10 years old at the time and I knew you weren't cool.

I've heard the backup tracks. Daryl had the voice. Daryl had the looks. You were the epitome of 'cheesy moustache man'. lucky buddy. Good luck with that solo career! *snicker*
posted at 06:30 PM | link--it | mail it | (12) shout it

She's fancy!
Annessa went and got herself new blog digs and a snazzy new look! Go drop by and tell her how supah-coo' she is. She's had a pretty tough week, so I'm making it my mission in life right now to let her know how much she's loved and adored...

It looks mah-velous dahling. Absolutely mah-velous!
posted at 05:25 PM | link--it | mail it | (4) shout it