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Posted: 04.25.2002
No gnus is good gnus
I hate registering for news sites. I'm picky that way. Especially when they make you login for each article you want to read. So this site from tonight's Screen Savers is one I'm going to bookmark. It will generate a randomly assigned username and password ("bogus" of course) so you can view New York Times articles online.

Hey boy take a look at me...let me dirty up your mind...

oh that is way too cool. I never read those articles for the sites that you have to register at cause I hate that. Thanks for that I missed TSS last night for doing yard work :(

¤ ¤ credit: Gnome-girl | 04.25.02 at 05:40 AM | link--this ¤ ¤

Another site you might want to check out is www.1stheadlines.com, it's fast and simple, no logging in. I got it off of my "Site of the Day" calendar, one of the few that has been useful.

¤ ¤ credit: jesse | 04.25.02 at 08:24 AM | link--this ¤ ¤

Oh, I LOVE this! Especially good timing since one of my readers sent me an NYT link regarding something I'd posted today.

¤ ¤ credit: Jennifer | 04.25.02 at 11:31 AM | link--this ¤ ¤

I've been registered for NYT for ages - I don't have to log in for articles, it just remembers me. I guess I let it set a cookie & I just left it there. Hm.

¤ ¤ credit: Christine | 04.25.02 at 04:42 PM | link--this ¤ ¤

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