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Posted: 05.10.2003
Insane in the membrane
Am I the only one when viewing the Kodak digital camera "revenge" commercial.....(where a friend shaves off another friend's eyebrow in his sleep and then takes a photo of it and prints several copies only to hang the evidence from the ceiling and have the Kodak paper wonders tucked in every nook, cranny and party tray within eyesight at a large soirée the eyebrowless wonder soon appears at, with sassy-perturbed girlfriend in tow, only to call a "truce" with the camera-master friend he's apparently recently shaved one bald strip down the middle of the guy's head, whew!).....to scream, "JUST SHAVE YOUR FUCKING HEAD DUMBASS!" I mean, c'mon. A missing eyebrow is a little hard to disguise. But anyone walking around with a reverse mohawk only need seek solace with of a pair of Oster clippers for about 15 minutes. Otherwise, you're just beggin' for a discount-season pass on the special bus.

Hey boy take a look at me...let me dirty up your mind...

all I have to say is THANK GOD I am not the only one who feels that way! EVERY time I see that commerical I wonder why he did just fucking shave his head!?!

¤ ¤ credit: Ruthie | 05.10.03 at 12:58 PM | link--this ¤ ¤

I get near-violent every time the damn thing airs. It drives me BONKERS!

¤ ¤ credit: robyn | 05.10.03 at 12:59 PM | link--this ¤ ¤

He could at least get some of this stuff.

¤ ¤ credit: dave | 05.10.03 at 01:08 PM | link--this ¤ ¤

i hate that commercial. grrr.

¤ ¤ credit: Joelle | 05.10.03 at 02:27 PM | link--this ¤ ¤

I thank Jesus for killing your babies in your womb rather than letting them be born and raised by a greedy, bitter, selfish false conservative whore like yourself. Praise Jesus for your sterility! Happy Mother’s Day WHORE!

¤ ¤ credit: Praise Jesus | 05.10.03 at 02:39 PM | link--this ¤ ¤

So is that the trend now? Remark on a commerical and get slammed by an insult. In the words of "Stephanie Tanner", "How rude!" It's amazing people can spout insults in the name of Jesus but can't live by his beliefs and words. I'm sorry you have to see that, Robyn, and don't let him get to you.

I have yet to see this ad you're remarking on but it sounds stupid.

¤ ¤ credit: Shawn | 05.10.03 at 02:52 PM | link--this ¤ ¤

Robyn, that 'Praise Jesus' is a total bastard. Don't listen to them, what a waste of skin. Obviously their daddy didn't pull out soon enough.

¤ ¤ credit: BJ | 05.10.03 at 03:34 PM | link--this ¤ ¤

Whore is so '87 Heather. Get over yourself.

¤ ¤ credit: robyn | 05.10.03 at 09:32 PM | link--this ¤ ¤

And apparently 'Praise Jesus' was the creator of the commercial who obviously doesnt take critism very well. ;-]

All kidding aside, that was sooo uncalled for, who pissed in her corn flakes. A DoS attack on her ip sounds perfect right about now.

¤ ¤ credit: jay | 05.10.03 at 09:47 PM | link--this ¤ ¤

Thanks everyone!

And I think they were at a public computer (IP, otherwise their monitor would be oozing hydrochloric acid and about 1500 kiddie p0rn images would be downloading to their harddrive and forwarding to the FBI's simultaneously right about now.

¤ ¤ credit: robyn | 05.10.03 at 10:09 PM | link--this ¤ ¤

I think your giving them too much credit Robyn, people who leave comments like that arent smart enough to use a public computer. =]

Best I can find out is the ip is owned by focaldata.net which is an ISP for the Seattle area and the parent company is located in Chicago. Their web site is www.focaldata.net but its down at the moment. (it wasnt me - honest ;]) And the ip you posted isnt responding to any of my *queries* =[

¤ ¤ credit: jay | 05.10.03 at 10:38 PM | link--this ¤ ¤

Go git 'em!

¤ ¤ credit: Ermilla | 05.10.03 at 11:42 PM | link--this ¤ ¤

We are all here to back you up Robyn!!! We all love and support you!!!

To the person that said the above ...get a life and leave the nice people in this world alone...

¤ ¤ credit: Heather | 05.11.03 at 12:23 AM | link--this ¤ ¤

Is this the season of the cretin? I have had losers bothering my website for the past two weeks. Whassamatter, "Jesus"? Your favorite pr0n site refuse your daddy's credit card?

¤ ¤ credit: Andrea Harris | 05.11.03 at 01:28 AM | link--this ¤ ¤

What a horrible thing to say. :( I'm sorry that you had to be subjected to that.

¤ ¤ credit: Heather | 05.11.03 at 02:28 AM | link--this ¤ ¤

That is a horrible thing to say and it's not warranted AT ALL. BJ i right... I'm glad you got out and got your mind off of this. This person isn't worth the heartache he's caused.

¤ ¤ credit: Carla | 05.11.03 at 02:54 AM | link--this ¤ ¤

That makes me sick. Ever heard of Karma you pathetic twit?

¤ ¤ credit: Jessica Parker | 05.11.03 at 06:35 AM | link--this ¤ ¤

The depths of human cruelty continue to amaze and disgust me... but I like your response.

¤ ¤ credit: Mariann | 05.11.03 at 09:51 AM | link--this ¤ ¤

Gods Robyn, I am so sorry. *long hugs* the depths that some people can go to is just sickening. am too angry to write anything remotely coherent. ....grrr...

*long tight hugs*

¤ ¤ credit: munin | 05.11.03 at 10:21 AM | link--this ¤ ¤

It never ceases to amaze me what low levels of cruelty people will stoop to. You're surrounded by friends both offline and on who will stand up for you in a pinch and you know it.

You've been in my thoughts today. Good stuff, I promise. :)

¤ ¤ credit: Hey Lisa | 05.11.03 at 06:26 PM | link--this ¤ ¤

Holy fucking shit....
How inhuman can you get?

Robyn, I dropped by to find a tasteful way to let you know that you were in my thoughts today also. I'm glad to see others (meaning the good ones like "Hey Lisa") did too.

Love you guys.

¤ ¤ credit: -e- | 05.11.03 at 08:01 PM | link--this ¤ ¤

What a sorry excuse for a human that so called person is

¤ ¤ credit: LisaC | 05.11.03 at 08:29 PM | link--this ¤ ¤

What you went through Robyn is why I made my new blog anonymous. If everyone considered other people instead of being selfish and nasty the world would be a much better place.

¤ ¤ credit: LisaC | 05.11.03 at 08:32 PM | link--this ¤ ¤

Some people are just so fucking sick! I'm sorry you have to put up with morons like this!

¤ ¤ credit: christine m. | 05.11.03 at 11:13 PM | link--this ¤ ¤

Hi, I just bounced over from a link on Eric's site to see what all the hubbub was about.
It always amazes me how cruel supposed "Christians" can be to their fellow man (humanity in general.) Is this really what they are being taught in Sunday School? Of course not. But in their twisted brains and perverted psyches, this is how they interpret the data stream.
Thankfully, these people only anonymously lodge their noxious spew of poisonous darts at innocents. Otherwise, if they didn't have this outlet they would be out roaming the countryside, parading as serious serial psychos, raping, murdering and causing much more destructive mayhem on the fine citizens of Gotham. They just don't realize how sick they are.
Hopefully, this person and the other millions of minions just like them, will eventually mature (or get on a lithium drip,) look back and realize what total horse's asses they made out of themselves. And also, that is not what the man called Jesus was trying to teach his flock.
I say that with the utmost respect, as an Atheist.

¤ ¤ credit: Kate S. | 05.12.03 at 03:34 PM | link--this ¤ ¤

I wanted to make a pity plea for those of us with natural reverse mohawks.

¤ ¤ credit: A hair challenged person | 05.12.03 at 04:50 PM | link--this ¤ ¤

Hi Robyn--
Just stopped by after a few weeks off from blogs--what was said to you is absolutely beyond the pale and I just wanted to express my support for you.

¤ ¤ credit: wealhtheow | 05.13.03 at 03:29 PM | link--this ¤ ¤

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