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Posted: 12.12.2002
How much for just one rib?
My hubby just passed this link along...the Boobie-Thon just wasn't good enough to make it on CNN's new "Cyberbegging" article. If only we'd thought to ask y'all to help us save our manicures, too! Perhaps then? A lot of you complained they were always in the way as it was...

Hey boy take a look at me...let me dirty up your mind...

There is a special place in hell reserved for most of the people listed in this article. Especially Karyn and the couple who wants a kid.

¤ ¤ credit: Jake | 12.12.02 at 03:59 PM | link--this ¤ ¤

Those nails have a time and place, woman!

On the cyberbegging note, I think you'd be please not to be in the same company as SaveKaryn and Rich Schmidt. I'll repeat: good job, great cause, Robyn...

¤ ¤ credit: popcorn | 12.12.02 at 04:00 PM | link--this ¤ ¤

Yeah, this was kinda penned tongue in cheek... ;-)

¤ ¤ credit: robyn | 12.12.02 at 04:04 PM | link--this ¤ ¤

Do you think my illness and subsequent disability qualifies me for relief?

Sheesh. I can't believe people are using the goodwill of others in this manner.

¤ ¤ credit: Da Goddess | 12.12.02 at 04:14 PM | link--this ¤ ¤

That Jake...gotta hand it to him. He sure knows which comments bite the hardest. He's got the balls to lump a hard working couple who are trying everything possible to have a baby (which can run up some hefty medical bills) in with Karyn who ran up her cards shopping. On this website, no less.
Having a child of your own is a special thing. If this couple can't do it naturally, the available help is expensive. Failing that, adoption is also expensive. I don't see any problem with a couple who makes enough to afford having a child, but maybe doesn't earn enough to pay the added cost *they* would incur to have one, asking for donations to help them meet their dream.
Dude, you really, really need to lay off judging people. You're not good at it. At all.

¤ ¤ credit: a different Bill | 12.12.02 at 05:41 PM | link--this ¤ ¤

My friend is suffering from her wisdom teeth but she is out of work and has no savings to get her rotting teeth taken out and these people are upset that God made them sterile and they are begging for help. It is an order of priorities that get me. There are millions of people who are going with out medical care in this country because of the cost and these people are begging and talking to the Seattle Times because they can't satisfy their sexual urges to reproduce. Guns and Butter.

¤ ¤ credit: Jake | 12.12.02 at 06:04 PM | link--this ¤ ¤

Thanks, Bill -- well said!

Please tread lightly with the infertility talk / bashing. Although I don't condone their means, I certainly understand the desperation to grasp at any straw you think might help you produce a child. Been there. Got the t-shirt. It goes much deeper than "sexual urges to reproduce". It rips your heart -- and your soul -- and quite often, your marriage -- apart.

¤ ¤ credit: robyn | 12.12.02 at 06:11 PM | link--this ¤ ¤

Jake, I'm seconding what Robyn has said. I've been there done that, and it did rip my marriage apart. I'm still paying for my medical expenses and I had excellent insurance to help me pay for it. It's not my fault that I can't have a child (and I refuse to bring God or religion into this debate), but it's not my fault your friend didn't take care of her teeth either.

Infertility robs you of your spirit, it robs you of your strength and tests every single fiber of your will and being. And as a man, you can never ever know what that's like.

¤ ¤ credit: statia | 12.12.02 at 06:35 PM | link--this ¤ ¤

Sorry I didn't mean to comment on a personal topic but I am a gay male who will never have kids by both biology and choice.

Statia. Wisdom teeth having to come out are naturally occurring and she does take care of her teeth it is a fact of human evolution that some times you need surgery to take them out once they come in. She is in more pain than when she had her gall bladder taken out and she is drinking heavily to dull the pain. She is probably have to go thousands into debt and will probably not get to go to college because of this debt.

¤ ¤ credit: Jake | 12.12.02 at 06:46 PM | link--this ¤ ¤

I've had my wisdom teeth out too Jake, all five of them. You can't compare apples to oranges and make one situation seem worse than the other. I'm probably 50k in debt. I had to give up college too, and still can't have kids. It's all relevant you see? It's your choice not to have children. My choice was made for me. However, I don't go around complaining everyday saying poor me. Life has hardships, and you make sacrafices. We all have at one time or another.

¤ ¤ credit: statia | 12.12.02 at 07:27 PM | link--this ¤ ¤

I am gay Statia I don't mind not having kids but it really isn't an option. Regardless on what ever Dan Savage says. Hell I wonder what I could do to help her. If I married her than hopefully in January she could have the surgery but that would be defrauding the insurance company.

¤ ¤ credit: Jake | 12.12.02 at 07:49 PM | link--this ¤ ¤

Not minding that you can't have kids -- and being told by a doctor that it would take a miracle to occur, and even then you might not carry the child to term, when you desperately want children -- are two different things. While you can't choose your sexual orientation, Jake -- as far as you know, you can make the choice to have a child (be it through adoption, finding a surrogate, or using your partner's sperm with whatever means). Statia and I were not afforded that luxury. And believe me, if you stacked up our medical bills side by side -- it is anything but a luxury.

There are medical and dental programs for the poor and underprivileged. None such exist for couples facing infertility and adoption. Again, it's apples to oranges -- and I for one don't appreciate the constant comparisons. It's my journal afterall...

¤ ¤ credit: robyn | 12.12.02 at 08:38 PM | link--this ¤ ¤

i realize infertility affects men as well as women, but at the same time, when someone like jake, you know, someone without a vagina or uterus, starts mouthing off insensitive and ignorant shit about issues such as this, it really pisses me off and i feel the need to tell him to SHUT THE FUCK UP. so jake, before you go and make another stupid ass comparison, belittling the suffering woman (and men) go through when they are told they can't bare children, i suggest you think it through very carefully. think, what if it was your sister or someone close to you, how would you feel if you had to hold them in your arms while they cried from the depths of their soul and said they felt like they weren't worth anything because they couldn't have children. and if you can't put yourself in that place, then do us all a favor and seriously shut the hell up.
that is all.

¤ ¤ credit: yvonne | 12.12.02 at 09:40 PM | link--this ¤ ¤

What people like Jake don't/can't understand is this: If he contracted AIDS after having sex with a homeless, haitian, heroin pumping male prostitute...the good people that post here would still feel bad for him. We would feel bad because we can wrap our minds and our hearts around the fact that his life now sucks, no matter how much he was "asking for it." If he had been a decent person, and asked for some help with his medical bills, some of us would. But since he is an insensative prick who could care less about the problems of others (unless of course that problem has a good chance of affecting him), I'd have a hard time letting him drink from my cats litter box in the middle of the dessert.

¤ ¤ credit: a different Bill | 12.13.02 at 12:55 AM | link--this ¤ ¤

Humm. I mention that I am queer and you imply that I destined to die of AIDS from "a homeless, Haitian, heroin pumping male prostitute". That is quite a mind you have going for you there Another Bill. My thumbs up to you!

¤ ¤ credit: Jake | 12.13.02 at 04:16 AM | link--this ¤ ¤

You mean Jake is back & trying to get people upset by saying some stupid ass lame comment that he thinks will get a rise out of people & hurt them? No way!

¤ ¤ credit: Lynn in TX | 12.13.02 at 02:59 PM | link--this ¤ ¤

Shocking, isn't it?

¤ ¤ credit: robyn | 12.13.02 at 03:17 PM | link--this ¤ ¤

Does everyone get it yet? Jake is gay. He's gay Gay GAY and he wants everyone to know it. It's his reason and excuse for all. Only problem is, Jake, no one cares. Think of something interesting to say or stop talking.

¤ ¤ credit: Jsh | 02.20.03 at 08:14 PM | link--this ¤ ¤

Jake-Your friend has a cash flow problem. In the scope of life's greatest goals, paying bills is so way down the list.

Robyn & Todd have lost something that can never be replaced. Ever.

Some people amaze me.

¤ ¤ credit: Kevin | 02.20.03 at 09:57 PM | link--this ¤ ¤

I just gotta say the majority of my male friends are gay and I don't buy it for a minute that Jake's gay. He's a fucktard and in need of a life!!!

Loves ya girlie

¤ ¤ credit: gnome-girl | 02.21.03 at 11:25 AM | link--this ¤ ¤

[edited by robyn...Blah blah blah blah blah blah blah]

Attacking someone for commenting on your blog is lame. What more can I say? If you didn't like what he said, you could have chosen to not allow the comment. "your IP is matched when you comment -- and I reserve the right to
edit/delete any comments I do not feel are "appropriate" for my blog
and/or would not want said in the presence of guests in my own home" APPLY IT!

[edited by robyn...I just did...bye now!]

¤ ¤ credit: Anna | 02.21.03 at 03:24 PM | link--this ¤ ¤

Get em girlfriend!!!!! :)

¤ ¤ credit: gnome-girl | 02.21.03 at 06:38 PM | link--this ¤ ¤

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