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Posted: 08.06.2002
I was drawn into your magnet tar pit trap
Soooo...sometimes it just gets kinda impossible to keep up with the traffic coming in here now. I thought I'd give all those I haven't had time to extend a formal greeting to yet a little "Oklahoma hello", and ask that if you've visited here and/or commented recently - and you know I haven't visited and/or commented at your own blog yet - a chance to speak now or forever hold whirrled peas. I'd love to drop by and say "hi". I need to know where to go first though... Just leave me a comment with directions. Remember, I am a natural blonde. You don't even need to vacuum the floors first! -Robyn

Hey boy take a look at me...let me dirty up your mind...

Hi Robyn. Me Ryan. Me run web site dogmaticme. Me speak english pretty one day.

¤ ¤ credit: Ryan | 08.06.02 at 06:42 AM | link--this ¤ ¤

Hi Robyn... I have been lurking on your site for quite some time, so I guess I can crawl out and say a hello to ya.

¤ ¤ credit: sphinx | 08.06.02 at 10:44 AM | link--this ¤ ¤

I've been here a while, but I thought I'd let you know that I saw the Weezer/muppet video for the first time this morning... simply brillant! Come by and visit me any time. :)

¤ ¤ credit: leandra | 08.06.02 at 11:45 AM | link--this ¤ ¤

hi :) i drop in from time to time here, as well as at excess bloggage. come visit my site anytime!

¤ ¤ credit: theresa | 08.06.02 at 11:54 AM | link--this ¤ ¤

Hiya. I stop by and read your blog quite frequently but I can't remember whether I've ever commented on anything (but then I can't remember what I had for breakfast this morning).

My blog is over at http://aardvarkdj.blogspot.com/. Please excuse the mess if you drop by. Its unlikely I'll have even tidied up let alone vacuumed.

¤ ¤ credit: theaardvark | 08.06.02 at 12:52 PM | link--this ¤ ¤

hey robyn, i might have commented once before, something about a football team's logo looking like feminine reproductive organs. other than that, i'm just a superlurker. i'm actually kinda addicted. drop on by my site anytime!

¤ ¤ credit: chandra | 08.06.02 at 01:39 PM | link--this ¤ ¤

hi, I drop by here often and I think I've commented a few times. I'm a friend of Erynn's from way back ...

¤ ¤ credit: trish | 08.06.02 at 01:54 PM | link--this ¤ ¤

hey robyn. i've been here quite alot lately.. its given me something to read during my long days at work. otherwise, im sure i would've fallen asleep. doubt the boss would like that one too much.

¤ ¤ credit: datsum | 08.06.02 at 01:58 PM | link--this ¤ ¤

You know me..your biggest pocket pc fan. However, have you seen my site? No one comments but I get lots of visits, I must be doing something right. Also, I have asked seki to adopt me at blogtree, i am adopted in real life and why not make it that way for my blog. You and her are/were my biggest inspirations to start blogging by the way (after lurking around for a few years) so maybe you can adopt me too or be my godmother, great aunt, big sistah, whateva.

Over and out. Keep up the good work.


ps too bad OU is not on the Huskers schedule this year...I could be your correspondent in Lincoln for the big rivalry game, but don't worry Colorado will take care of them for the Sooners.

¤ ¤ credit: peat | 08.06.02 at 02:32 PM | link--this ¤ ¤

Well I don't expect all the people who i vist to vist me.. but well feel free if you want. Chuckpierce.com

¤ ¤ credit: Chuck | 08.06.02 at 03:12 PM | link--this ¤ ¤

Just wanted to say thanks to everyone who said "hi". I added a special section to my links page just for you!

¤ ¤ credit: robyn | 08.06.02 at 04:01 PM | link--this ¤ ¤

umm i would say visit me but i forget where I am.

¤ ¤ credit: outinfive | 08.06.02 at 04:14 PM | link--this ¤ ¤

As a sooner fan....HI!

¤ ¤ credit: sandy | 08.06.02 at 07:50 PM | link--this ¤ ¤

Me: Hi, my name is GeekGrrl, and I'm a lurker.

Group: Hi GeekGrrl!

Me: I have a problem. I'm addicted to blogs.

Group: *applause*

Me: I especially love Robyns, because she comments several times a day, unlike the other blogs I read that only comment once a week! Once a week! Can you believe that s***! LAZY @$$ BASTAGES!!!

Doctor: *administers meds*

Doctor: She'll be okay. Just keep updating your blog regularly. You can also visit her at the Sanitarium( http://www.milbertus.com/GeekGrrl/ ).

Me: pssst... bring Ben and Jerrys when you come.

[Narrator: Tune in tomomorrow for another exciting episode of... GeekGrrl Has Lost Her Mind]

¤ ¤ credit: GeekGrrl | 08.06.02 at 08:09 PM | link--this ¤ ¤

Hi Robyn..

I think I followed you over from Jennifer's (Working Mom)blog. I can't remember! ::grin:: Anyways.. I love your blog and I have already linked you!
: - )

¤ ¤ credit: Kate | 08.07.02 at 01:41 AM | link--this ¤ ¤

I've been lurking. I'm a lurker. In essence, I lurk.

Well, I guess that covers it! :)

¤ ¤ credit: Joelle | 03.08.03 at 05:12 PM | link--this ¤ ¤

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