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Posted: 06.22.2002
Turn me on tonight, 'cuz I'm radioactive
Todd just found this for me -- Blog.Elements, the periodic table of weblogs for 2002.

I am 93, Np, (Neptunium): Neptunium is a radioactive rare earth metal. It is the first transuranium element to be artificially produced. Edwin M. McMillan - Nobel Prize for Chemistry in 1951 - and Philip H. Abelson first found neptunium in 1940 after uranium had been bombarded by neutrons from the cyclotron at Berkeley, Calif. Neptunium has been produced in weighable amounts in breeder reactors as a by-product of plutonium production from uranium-238. All neptunium isotopes are radioactive. Neptunium, a silvery metal, exists in three crystalline modifications. Neptunium is chemically reactive and similar to uranium. Neptunium ions in aqueous solution possess characteristic colours: pale purple; pale yellow-green; green-blue; colourless to pink or yellow-green.

Pretty freakin' cool, no? Don't you stand, stand too close - you might catch it.

Hey boy take a look at me...let me dirty up your mind...

I love it when you say "cyclotron"...

¤ ¤ credit: todd | 06.22.02 at 12:16 AM | link--this ¤ ¤

Well, you definintely are rare and colorful ;)
That's pretty neato :)

¤ ¤ credit: kristine | 06.22.02 at 09:41 AM | link--this ¤ ¤

congratulations on being such a cool element.

¤ ¤ credit: kd | 06.22.02 at 10:48 PM | link--this ¤ ¤

*lol* That is very cool:)

¤ ¤ credit: Lady Phoxxe | 06.24.02 at 11:30 AM | link--this ¤ ¤

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