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Posted: 11.06.2001
Blog go bye-bye
If you're wondering where Todd's blog went...well, we are, too... We went to add a new entry saying the biography page had been completely updated, and there was an error posting it. Now all the current entries will not publish and the entire index page went blank, save for the template around where the text goes. Ben from Movable Type has replied lightning-fast, and we hope/pray for a cure soon -- but please bear with us. Times like this I'm very happy we have separate systems (me with Greymatter, and him with Movable Type)!

Hey, what's it mean when I post a comment in his blog and then the comment count doesn't update? I think it disappeared ... oh no ... and it was a comment on the bio, which is probably cursed since Todd confesses about what he really does at work, says that tv owns his ass, and that picture in front of the Megaf*cks store ... I am still laughing! (Oh, but not about my comment disappearing.)

¤ ¤ posted by Christine on November 7, 2001 at 02:27 PM ¤ ¤

I just e-mailed you for more details -- thanks for letting me know! This is *exactly* what I get for telling Ryan to switch to MT last night since we hadn't went through any problems with it... I should have KNOWN better! (I just posted a comment and it worked that time though.)

¤ ¤ posted by Robyn on November 7, 2001 at 02:39 PM ¤ ¤


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