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Posted: 07.12.2003
It doesn’t have to be like that
The old quote, "Reports of my demise have been greatly exaggerated...", very much applies here right now. I've received several kind e-mails expressing regret over seeing me go and giving up this blog. I guess I should set the record straight that I haven't 'gone' anywhere. Yes, I'm taking a break -- but that's pretty much it. I must confess like any knee-jerk human reaction when under constant fire, the desire to chuck it all did cross my mind. And I came about theeees close to doing so. In fact, if there had been a ceremonial-blog-goodbye offered off the top of the Skyway Bridge, I would have been first in line. But then survival instinct usually kicks in and you evaluate just who is allowed to do just what in your life. And the only person with the right to take this space away from me is, well, me.

I will admit some of the things I've read about me online have made my toes curl. I will also admit I haven't read it all and don't intend to start. So there's no need to pass along links... There gets a point where you just see so much, that your mind steels, and that old "I'm rubber, you're glue" adage comes into play. Especially appropriate given most of the attacks I've read to date would be better used in the lower educational system.

And please don't expect me to return in kind around here. That's just not my style. Although I don't always believe turning the other cheek is appropriate in life, in this instance, I think it just may be. What would I accomplish by stooping to their level and multi-posting and repeat-commenting across the blogisphere, other than to offer up more divisiveness -- which is what many claim got us in this mess to begin with. I refuse to lower myself to type out some of the very same things I've seen attached with my name, no matter how I may feel deep down. So if you're here for the 'show', please move along. There's nothing to see here...

I've never claimed I was perfect. I never claimed that every decision I've ever made has been the right one. Or one that you would - or should - make the same choices yourself if suddenly found in my position. "I stumble and fall, baby I do it all...I'm only human on the inside..." I've put the lyrics up before, and they're just as true today as they were then. I think you have to go through life doing the best you can with what you're given. Sometimes that even means taking a hardline "I've had enough" approach and, gasp, acting like a bitch. Unfortunately some people don't seem to realize or care when they've crossed that line from "bitch" to "vindictive witch who can't let go and just move on". When one truly takes a step back and examines the real injustices of this world, I fail to see where the demise of an online acquaintanceship over opposing views really ranks right up there in the grand scheme of things. Or warrants any of the public animosity repeatedly displayed.

I've definitely seen some of the worst of human nature this week. But just as with the yin and the yang, I've also seen the best and an abundance of kindness. That's what makes me want to continue to get up and do this every day. Well, soon at least...

So don't go tap-dancing on my grave just yet. You won't be getting rid of me that easily. Bruises heal and time helps you forget. In the meantime, I plan to continue enjoying that fantabulous thing called 'real life'. I highly suggest trying it sometime... Thanks again to everyone who has written! -Robyn

UPDATE: I've been blogging 23 months now. I've had 24,259 comments to date. And I've only went over the individual's head that left the e-mails and comments from the workplace once. 1:24,259:23. Yes, I very much see a pattern here. You? Maybe, just maybe, there was more to it than you ever saw. Stop and think about that for awhile.

UPDATE 2: I've brought the archive pages and syndication feeds back, for now at least. I set a few posts to draft that I no longer want to deal with the traffic from... Again, my blog - my rules. Thanks for understanding!

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