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Posted: 12.23.2001
Buc ball
With 7:05 left to go in the first half, the Bucs have already piled up 191 yards of offense on the Saints and we're up 20-0! WHY can't we play like this all the time?! Alstott is literally ROLLING over their defense while getting an extra 10-15 yards per carry, when he should have been tackled and down in the back field long ago. This is why we keep coming back every week. It's that whole abusive relationship "baby I'll never do it again" thing, and this week is the week we're showered with presents and "I love you's". I don't care though. Just WIN!

Robyn, We were at Universal and stopped at a bar and "M" seen the score and was shocked, so since there was a gap in time we sat and watched the rest of the game there....we were so shocked, the one time taht he misses a game and they win !!!!!

¤ ¤ posted by heather on December 23, 2001 at 09:07 PM ¤ ¤

Well then he's not allowed to watch any more games this season! Our play-off hopes depend on it! ;-)

¤ ¤ posted by robyn on December 23, 2001 at 09:15 PM ¤ ¤

i thought of you watching the game today. you are the only other person i have seen that posts about the Buc's

My guy Todd and I were sitting there waiting for the game to start, and I have to say that I wasn't all too excited, cause I really expected them to flub yet again. At kickoff I said.."ahhh..i need a nap..." I was so sleepy lol.

THEN...that 80 something yard return on the kick off got me buccaneer blood FLOWING!

WHOOOOOOOOO...all I could think was " WHO are these guys?? And WHERE have they been all season?!!"

There is hope yet eh??
Merry Merry!


¤ ¤ posted by Jen on December 24, 2001 at 12:40 AM ¤ ¤


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