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Posted: 12.16.2001
'Nilla Wavering
If you wanted more of a review for 'Nilla Sky than the one I gave (below) last night, the New York Daily News has one that pretty much says it all here. ("The only winners in this Spanish-to-English translation of Amenabar's Abre los ojos work are Jason Lee, who's engagingly funny as David's only close friend, and Amenabar. In selling the remake rights and allowing another director to make the Hollywood version, Amenabar got in exchange an assignment from Cruise's production company to make his next project, a story called The Others, in English, with the then-Mrs. Cruise — Nicole Kidman — in the starring role.")

I always find the best reviews at rottentomatoes.com - where they collect about 80 reviews and then give the movie a score based on the number of good reviews vs bad reviews. Vanilla Sky got a whopping 32%. Whooooo - basically has "SUCK" written all over it!

¤ ¤ posted by Christine on December 16, 2001 at 02:23 PM ¤ ¤


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