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Posted: 12.11.2001
Snagged from Ashley...my first "meme":

  1. Shoes on or off? Off.
  2. Meat or vegetables? Mmmm...dead cows, pigs, and chickens! Veggies = blech!
  3. Desktop or Notebook? We have both and the laptop is MINE.
  4. Red or green? Green.
  5. Coke or Pepsi? COKE -- there is no other! (Except for Mountain Dew Code Red.)
  6. Tidy or messy? Depends -- whole lot of mess piles up then a tidy-frenzy ensues.
  7. Reading or writing? Reading, but definitely not 'rithmatic.
  8. The letter K or the letter Q? I like Q's squiggly.
  9. Square or circle? Circle.
  10. Rain or snow? RAIN!

OHHH i did it too :)
Shoes on or off? I prefer my shoes off.
Meat or vegetables? I like meat better than veges.
Desktop or Notebook? notebook
Red or green? Red, my favorite color.
Coke or Pepsi? neither
Tidy or messy? I am tidy.
Reading or writing? I prefer both, weiting is my passion
The letter K or the letter Q? K , most of my fave names start with K
Square or circle? Circle
Rain or snow? Neither....

¤ ¤ posted by felicia on December 11, 2001 at 04:31 PM ¤ ¤


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