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Posted: 11.27.2001
This is so cool (link snagged from Jo)! Think those hideous old webpages you've made in the past are gone forever? Think again... The Way Back Machine lets you (and others) type your URL into a search form and see old "cached" versions of your site. It may take awhile to process your request, but it's worth the wait just to laugh at how far you've come. Oh my!

That's a little scary. But in a good way, I guess!

¤ ¤ posted by Cheryl on November 27, 2001 at 10:25 PM ¤ ¤

It freaked me out when I first saw it. It's the web equivalent of looking at old photos of yourself with a spiral perm and flared jeans on!

¤ ¤ posted by Joanne on November 28, 2001 at 12:29 AM ¤ ¤

Eek! That's too funny. Wow. Cooooool... I wonder if my old GeoCities address would work?

¤ ¤ posted by Christine on November 28, 2001 at 12:51 AM ¤ ¤


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