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Posted: 11.12.2001
Speechless again
What do you say? I got up just before 7 this morning, and turned on the "Today Show". I just had this gut-feeling I couldn't explain and I wanted to see that things were "ok" and my mind was just on overdrive. Todd got out of the shower and couldn't figure out why I'd turned the TV on so early either. I stayed awake until he left for work, and then went back to sleep for a little bit as I'm still not feeling all that well. So of course when I woke back up just before 11 and turned on the TV in the living room when I got in with Claire, I just knew instinctively. They weren't saying or doing anything other than going over a diagram of the type of aircraft that crashed -- but they didn't have to -- they'll never have to again. Something that really gives me the willies is that after my bath last night, I went into my closet to grab a pair of boxers and a t-shirt. The next shirt in the stack of "sleep tees" was the one I was wearing on 9-11. I looked at it, and just couldn't put it back on. So I grabbed the one under it. But that moment of looking at it just sticks with me. I pray this isn't terrorism again. I pray that as many lives as possible can be saved today. And I pray that God will soon realize New Yorkers have had enough. If it has to happen again, please spare them the next time. Please.


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