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Posted: 11.11.2001
A little analogy
While watching the Bucs vs. Lions game, Todd told me that I had to post my analogy of what it feels like to watch the Bucs play this year. It's like watching your best friend -- someone you really love and admire -- date someone terrible. They're seeing someone you can't stand, someone deep down you know they shouldn't be with, but all you can do is sit there powerless. Mostly you just look away from the downward spiral -- until they're ready to leave the situation and help themselves. At first, during their moments of clarity (take the recent Vikings game for example), you get all excited. You think maybe they've realized what they're doing to themselves and that things are going to change. But soon, everything goes back to the way it was, leaving you nauseous with a need to just look away again. It hurts too much to watch most days, because deep down you know they're better than this. But you won't leave their side because you love them so much. That's what it means to me being a Bucs fan this season (and take your pick between the special teams coach and Brad Johnson as the boyfriend I'd like to shove off the nearest cliff)...


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