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Posted: 11.07.2001
Could my life be ANY more lame?
Ok, I really have to get a new daytime hobby starting NOW. No, seriously. Just announced: In an ongoing campaign to lure Latino viewers, "The Bold and the Beautiful" has hired Erik Estrada for an extended period starting November 14 to play the role of Tony's father. The former "CHiPs" star says he's hoping B&B will be home for a while.

Speaking of B&B, alls I got to say is "EWWWEEEE". What is up with Brooke? First she marries her ex-husbands Dad. Then, his brother and just when you think it can't get any worse, the ho-dogg goes and sleeps with her daughters husband!

¤ ¤ posted by Tara on November 7, 2001 at 01:39 PM ¤ ¤

Yeah, that whole Deacon thing threw me for a loop -- but it gets worse! The latest scoop (how pathetic that I know the latest scoop...but...) is that Ridge isn't Eric's son, but rather that freaky ex of Stephanie's named (where do they come up with these names?) Massimo.

¤ ¤ posted by Robyn on November 7, 2001 at 01:49 PM ¤ ¤

You guys are killin' me here! I don't watch soaps, never have ... but today it was on the tv while I sat in the dentist's chair. Port Charles. Where some woman is saying that she was "injected with vampire blood". Thank goodness all instruments were out of my mouth at that time, because I was totally cracking up. WHERE do they come up with these story lines? WHO has lives like those in the real world? Oh man, it was toooooo funny.

¤ ¤ posted by Christine on November 7, 2001 at 02:27 PM ¤ ¤


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