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Posted: 10.29.2001
Could you possibly be more specific?
Get back to normal. Oh wait, be on alert. But live like you always do. Except watch over your shoulder at all times. Resume your "normal American activities". Unless we decide to hold a live press conference during your national pastimes such as football Sundays and must-see TV Thursdays. I am so tired of mixed messages! Instead of issuing vague warnings every couple of weeks to "be alert" -- why don't they just TELL us what this new so-called intelligence information says? Why don't they let us grab our Louisville Sluggers, notify the NRA, and raid the projects so we can gang up and get medieval on their ass. Is the threat to take down a plane? Let's fill it with WWF wrestlers and PMSing women and let 'em try to hijack it then. Is the threat to blow up a building? Why don't you let me know where not to park my car then -- because sorry, but State Farm says that acts of war just aren't covered. If they are going to constantly make us paranoid -- without giving anymore information other than it "might" happen someday, somewhere in one of our 50 states and countless areas abroad -- well then I'm just about to the point where I'd almost rather live with my blonde head in the sand as long as it doesn't interrupt Monday Night Football, thankyouverymuch! Because I'm finding it just a wee bit impossible to be on high alert and resume my normal life at the same time (if there ever was such a thing).

I don't want these terrorist to win... but I want to be safe too.

¤ ¤ posted by Holly on October 30, 2001 at 08:29 AM ¤ ¤


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