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Posted: 10.26.2001
We can't go on together with suspicious minds...
Hey Tara -- do you find it even mildly amusing that the same IPs constantly complaining about traffic via anonymous surfing organizations are hitting both of our blogs the very same days, using the exact same anonymizer? Not to mention, discussing topics you posted today word-for-word. Hello, Pot? This is the Kettle. You are black. Funny thing is, this is a public blog -- no passwords or nuthin'. I don't care who reads it or how they got here -- and certainly don't waste my time hurling out trivial accusations. And I post all that I do (and don't) with that knowledge in mind. Can we please get back to our regularly scheduled programming now? Thank you...drive through...


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your words walk right through my ears, presuming I like what I hear*:

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*your IP is matched when you comment -- and I reserve the right to
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and/or would not want said in the presence of guests in my own home

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