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Posted: 10.16.2001
In case you never moved your Yahoo/Webring ring to Ringsurf -- heads up! Your life is about to become hell. Webring is no longer a part of Yahoo, which is a good thing, but have fun moving your rings. If you need to sing the blues along with me, I'm available by appointment. My OU Ring members recently voted to STAY at Webring. Ugh!

Oh lordy, I thought we were done with that fiasco!

¤ ¤ posted by Cheryl on October 16, 2001 at 08:22 AM ¤ ¤

If Webring is no longer part of Yahoo... are they part of anything? Can you just leave the ring alone? Or do you have to move it to a new ring server? That sucks. (Then again, with my server issues ... I can handle anything!) Just curious - I don't own a ring myself.

¤ ¤ posted by Christine on October 16, 2001 at 04:18 PM ¤ ¤

I haven't even started to figure it out. I'm still in denial. ;-)

¤ ¤ posted by Robyn on October 16, 2001 at 04:25 PM ¤ ¤


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