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Posted: 09.22.2001
What a tangled web
This article by the Washington Post is less than comforting. In addition to finding other box-cutters and knives on aircraft-sweeps following the hijackings, federal investigators have also discovered that some of those detained following September 11th "had recently obtained or sought licenses to drive trucks" and tractor-trailers (including a license to haul hazardous materials). "The FBI is [also] investigating whether some of the hijackers received training in military exchange programs for foreign officers at the Pensacola Naval Air Station in Florida," according to the office of Senator Bill Nelson (D-FL). If that's the case, I most likely had friends that trained with them. It's bad enough that my best friend Robbie's former flight school (Airman in Norman, OK) where he taught has been under investigation. The web just keeps growing bigger and bigger.


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