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Posted: 09.20.2001
Why do "cures" always have
Why do "cures" always have to taste so bad? We can put men on the moon -- can't we just make everything taste like bubblegum? I have a new medication called Cholestyramine that I'm supposed to be taking for Lyme. (keyword: supposed) I just can't manage to get it down my throat each day. It's not a pill or a liquid. Oh no, that would be too easy! It's a 3x3" packet of what's supposed (again, keyword: supposed) to taste like orange powder. You're either to mix it with clear liquid or applesauce. Tried water and juice. Powder doesn't dissolve. (Says on the label it won't.) So basically it's like drinking psuedo-orange flavored cement. Tang equals a fine merlot compared to this stuff. So I tried the applesauce. Even worse -- then you get pulpy cement. I cannot stop the gag-reflex each time I try, no matter what I try it with. Heed my warning! Do not ever get high cholesterol. That's what this medication is commonly used for. I can't imagine not taking it equaling possible death...I feel like death each time I hold my nose and gulp!


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