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Posted: 09.19.2001
You know, I didn't really
You know, I didn't really think all of the college exams I took were fair. I think I could have done a much better job -- hell, even graduated with a 4.0 -- if my professors would have allowed me to write my own test questions based on my strengths, rather than weaknesses, to ensure that I passed. Sound ridiculous to you? Well then you might be comforted to know that's exactly what's going on with the U.S. nuclear power industry right now: ".....The nuclear industry did not enjoy failing, and did not enjoy shelling out hundreds of thousands of dollars to prepare for Orrik's [former US Navy Seal who ran a program that tested the security at civilian nuclear plants by organizing mock attacks against them] tests--or to install security upgrades as the penalty for not passing. So it began to lean on the Nuclear Regulatory Commission to gut the program. This fall, the NRC is doing just that--phasing out Orrik's program in favor of one in which nuclear power plants will carry out 'self-assessments'....." Oh yeah, I take great comfort now knowing we live 50 miles downwind of the Crystal River nuclear power plant -- especially considering 13 of the 19 hijackers last week had FL driver's licenses and a few lived in the Tampa Bay area! Reading this article gives me the willies!


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