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Posted: 08.21.2001
Well spank my arse and
Well spank my arse and call me Judy! I got one of those letters tonight that makes you do the "happy happy joy joy" dance and be completely unbearable for about 20 minutes afterwards. I was cooking away in the kitchen and heard Todd scream, "You're not going to believe this!" I designed the website for the Florida Suncoast Sooner Club a couple of weeks ago. The alumni club director uses the OU logo on his mailings and stuff because we're an officially licensed/chartered club with the University. But since I made the website (hosted on my site w/ my name on it), I didn't want OU to come around one day and go, "Well Mrs. Pollman, we're sorry to say that you're using copyrighted and trademarked images and we're now revoking your diploma, banning you from all future football games, and suing you to the tune of one-beeeelion-dollars. Thank you, drive thru." So I put the disclaimer at the bottom that I use on my "fan" sites -- but had him make sure it was ok to use the OU logos and images I did. This letter was what he got back from OU today: "Hi Steve! I loved the website. I sent it to public affairs to get permission to use as an example so we can learn what is appropriate use of the logo. If they agree, I would like to list it in our leadership guide as a good example for other clubs to use. I thought it was really great. Please pass this along to the developer. Thanks, Barry Feuerborn Director of Club and Association Relations" And then during dinner, I got another paid-advertiser bite. I'm thinking playing the lottery tomorrow might be a really good idea right now!


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