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Posted: 08.14.2001
Man I'm a slacker... For
Man I'm a slacker... For the first time in 2001, I updated the Please Puff Daddy Ruin This Song, Too mailbag section of the site (with much ease now thanks to blogger). It's one of my most popular sites, and you're seeing it here first -- I haven't even had a chance to link to the 2001 mail through the actual website. To get to the new mail, just click here!


mail (spam protected):


your words walk right through my ears, presuming I like what I hear*:

line paragraph breaks are enabled now! so knock yourself out!
please feel free to use HTML in your comments: <B>, <U>, and <I>

*your IP is matched when you comment -- and I reserve the right to
edit/delete any comments I do not feel are "appropriate" for my blog
and/or would not want said in the presence of guests in my own home

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